Bewirb dich jetzt bis zum 31. August für das Orientierungsstudium an der TU Hamburg.

Pre Departure Information Sessions

For selected outgoing students for student exchange in 2024/25

Pre Departure Info Sessions

Students who have been selected for an Erasmus exchange study stay abroad in winter term 24/25 are invited to one of these two pre-departure Sessions. We strongly advise you to come as students usually have a lot of questions that we will address.
Topics will be: application procedure at partner universities / what's next?, Erasmus grant and duties, accomodation, insurance, further preparation & answering all the questions that you'll bring.

Wed 20.03.24  | 17:00 - 18:30 p.m. | DE -; Kenncode: 392516; room will be open 5 minutes before

Tue 23.04.24  | 16:00 - 17:30 p.m. | DE - room: H 0.09


Digital Learning Agreement Info Sessions

Please come prepared for the session by reading this guideline beforehand.
One of these sessions is compulsory for every outgoing student starting the exchange in winter term 2024/25:

Wed 27.03.24 | 16:00 - 17:00 | DE - Please register first
After the registration, the meeting link + password will be sent automatically. Please safe this information.

Tue 30.04.24 | 18:00 - 19:00 | DE - Please register first
After the registration, the meeting link + password will be sent automatically. Please safe this information.

Fri 31.05.24 | 14:00 - 15:00 | DE - Please register first
After the registration, the meeting link + password will be sent automatically. Please safe this information.