Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are networked information-processing systems that interact directly with their surrounding physical environment. CPS record environmental information via sensors, process this information with computer support, and in turn influence their environment via actuators. CPS are therefore in a continuous control loop and in many application areas must perform time-critical and safety-relevant calculations and communicate with other technical systems or humans across domains.
Today, CPS are the basic technology for many "smart" products and applications worldwide. For example, they are indispensable in the fields of vehicle and aircraft construction, Industry 4.0, medical technology, automation technology, robotics and mechatronics.
TUHH's research on cyber-physical systems is characterized by the fact that it encompasses all relevant aspects - from sensors and actuators, hardware and networking, through the software of a CPS to its real applications and their certification.
► Contributions of the EIM School of Study (selection): Secure and reliable hardware and software, novel sensor technology, networked and autonomous systems, optimization of energy efficiency and real-time capability.
► Participating institutes and collaborations:
- Mikrosystemtechnik (E-7), Hochfrequenztechnik (E-3), Nachrichtentechnik (E-8), Kommunikationsnetze (E-4), Elektr. Energietechnik (E-6), Softwaresysteme (E-16), Secure CPS (E-16), Software Security (E-22), Eingebettete Systeme (E-13), Telematik (E-17), Autonomous CPS (E-24)
- Hamburg-weite Informatik-Plattform
- Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
► The research topic is reflected in the following research cluster:
► Interdisciplinary bundling with other topics takes place in the research field:
► These study programs take up contents of the research topic: