Orientation Study Program at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until August 31st.

Contacts & Team International Affairs

International Affairs - General Inquiries

Head of Department

Dr. Wang Yi - Head of Department International Affairs

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.042

Office hours on Campus:  on demand
Phone: +49 40 42878 3737
E-mail: yi.wang@tuhh.de

  • Head of department 5

Outgoing Students: Cooperations & Mobility Programs

Marina Leß - Head of Outgoing Department / studying abroad (Europe/ERASMUS)

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.059

Office hours on Campus: Mo. 10:00-12:30, Thurs. 13:00-15:00
Phone: +49 40 42878 3866
E-mail: marina.less@tuhh.de

  • Head of outgoing department
  • coordinator of the ERASMUS programme (KA131)
  • cooperation agreements, networks and partner universities (Erasmus)
  • advisory service on studying abroad
Sarah Neumann - Database Management / Internships Abroad / Studying abroad ERASMUS

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.044

ONLINE office hours: Mo 10:00-12:30 am, Thurs 01:30-03:30 pm
Chat: TUHH chat service mattermost (find me by my name in team "entrance" )
Phone: +49 40 42878 4330
E-mail: sarah.neumann@tuhh.de

  • internships abroad & Erasmus Traineeship (Outgoing)
  • Deputy Institutional Erasmus Coordinator
  • Mobility-Online database & Erasmus-Without-Paper
  • substitute for M. Leß/L. Klasing concerning questions on studying abroad
  • Erasmus staff mobility for teaching and training (Outgoing)

Website Internships Abroad/Praktika im Ausland

Laurence Klasing - Studying abroad ERASMUS

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.056

Office hours on Campus: Mo. 10:00-12:30, Thurs. 13:00-15:00
Phone: +49 40 42878 4776
E-mail: laurence.klasing(at)tuhh(dot)de

  • ERASMUS advisory service on studying abroad

Incoming Students: Orientation & Integration

Malgorzata Safari - Head of incoming department/ Management of advisory and support services for international students & guest researchers

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.057

Consultation by appointment only
Phone: +49 40 42878 3159
E-mail: safari(at)tuhh(dot)de

Eva Judit Turos - Incoming Exchange students

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.058

Office hours:  Mo. 10:00-12:30, Thur. 13:00-15:00 
Friday 10:00 - 12:30

Phone: +49 40 42878 4289
E-mail: internationaloffice@tuhh.de

  • Counseling for international exchange students (ERASMUS and Oversea Programs)
  • Contact for nomination, application and admission for incoming exchange students
Kathrin Heuking - Integration and Intercultural Projects

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.058

Office hours: Mo. 10:00-12:30, Thur. 13:00-15:00
Phone: +49 40 42878 3503
E-mail: kathrin.heuking(at)tuhh(dot)de

  • Counseling for international Bachelor students
  • Intercultural Trainings for TUHH (international) students
  • Orientation and Integration Programs
  • Language Learning


Aylin Kruse - Accommodation and Student Welfare Office

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building E, Room 0.055A

Office hours: Mo. 10:00-12:30, Thur. 13:00-15:00
Phone: +49 40 42878 2707
E-mail: aylin.kruse(at)tuhh(dot)de and rooms(at)tuhh(dot)de

  • Accommodation and Student Welfare Office for TUHH international students and exchange students from partner universities
  • Counseling for TUHH international students regarding residence permit, visa, city registration
Eva Judit Turos - Scholarships and fundings

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3, D-21073 Hamburg
Building A, Room A 0.25.1

Office hours: Mo. 10:00-12:30, Thur. 13:00-15:00 
Friday 10:00 - 12:30

Phone: +49 40 42878 4289
E-mail: eva.turos@tuhh.de

International Partnerships and Strategy

Nicole Frei: Head Partnerships and Networks

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A),
Room A 2.71

Tel: +49 40 42878 4409

E-Mail: n.frei(at)tuhh(dot)de

Berit Illmann

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)
Room 00.51

Tel: +49 40 42878 2270

E-Mail: illmann[at]tuhh(dot)de



Sascha Diedler

Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)

Tel.: +49 40 42878 4726

E-mail: sascha.diedler(at)tuhh(dot)de