Ongoing Events Program


Online Infosession: How to finance your studies, 21 October, 3.30 pm.

Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 826 1075 3618
Kenncode: 069665

Language Cafe Semester Opening Event, 22 October, 5.30 pm.

Our language cafés are starting again and we are kicking off with a semester opening event. A perfect opportunity to meet other language enthusiasts, have fun and find out more about the program.

Room O 0.018

Intercultural German Training: 30.10./6.11./20.11./27.11./11.12., 1.15 - 2.15 pm

Studying in German but not a native speaker? Unsure about “Du” and “Sie” or dealing with language missteps? Our workshops help you understand cultural differences, interpret behavior, and navigate communication challenges. Join anytime—no credit points, but B2/C1 German skills needed!

Further Information

Ask the tutor, 23. October, 4.30-5.30

Do you have questions about study organisation and examination preperation strategies? You want to get some tipps&trics for successful studies and exchange views with fellow students?

Catch up with welcome tutors in the Welcome Chat Room (on zoom) every Wednesday 4.30-5.30 starting on October 23.

Zoom link.

Excursion to Kiel, 26 October

further information will follow

Comic Crashkurse, 22. November, 5.00-8.00 pm.

Relax by focusing on creative design. Create your own comic diary sketches with advice and instruction from a professional graphic artist.
All materials will be provided. No prior knowledge required.

Registration link will follow.

Please note that no ECTS points can be credited for our trainings and workshops.