Applications are open until September 15 for the Master's program in International Management and Engineering at TU Hamburg.

Semester Documents

From the summer semester 2024, we will provide you with the following certificates exclusively digitally in the TUNE self-service portal after transferring the semester fee

  • Your student ID card,
  • A bilingual enrolment certificate ( German/English)

The former semester ticket will become the so-called Deutschlandsemesterticket from summer semester 2024 and will also only be available digitally.
You can find further information on retrieving the Deutschlandsemesterticket here.

If you are unable to retrieve any documents 14 days after the transfer, please check the TUNE self-service portal to see whether the re-registration has been blocked or whether the semester fee has actually been transferred with the correct purpose.
The Deutschlandsemesterticket can be retrieved at the earliest 14 days before the start of the new semester.

You can print out your enrolment certificates, the certificates according to § 9 BAföG and the certificates for Deutsche Bahn using your access data from the TUHH computer center under the following link: Portal

Additional certificates and duplicates are subject to a fee.

In case of problems please contact TUHH User-Service-Center. Information how to set up your TU account can be found here.


Before the first use of your account you have to change the initial password. Please read the information.