Applications are open until September 15 for the Master's program in International Management and Engineering at TU Hamburg.

International Parnerships and Strategy

TUHH cooperates with a large number of universities worldwide in a variety of ways.

  • Some collaborations focus on research projects or strategic development.
  • With some partners we have student exchange agreements.
  • With some universities we cooperate in several different areas and have exchange agreements at the same time.

Depending on their scope, organisational basis and nature, collaborations may exist at several different structural levels. Some collaborations are concluded within existing programmes such as

  • Erasmus+ (EU exchange programme) or
  • ISAP (DAAD exchange programme).

Study Exchange Partnerships

The TUHH works together with universities worldwide in the areas of research and strategic development, as well as in exchanges of students and academics. Depending on the scope, requirements and organizational form, cooperation can be established at various structural levels.


How to establish partnerships

If you are planning to collaborate with a partner from abroad, including research and/or the exchange of students/doctoral students, a cooperation agreement can be signed at university wide level or by a school or institute. In general, agreements are signed by the school / institute after approval by its board of studies.


Find out how to establish a partnership here.


From the very beginning, TUHH has had the ambition to be one of the most international universities in Germany. Today, it has achieved this goal with around 1,300 international students, who make up around 20% of its student body. Every year about 150 students take the opportunity to experience life in another culture by studying abroad. TUHH's extensive network of higher education partners makes this and other programmes possible.

A new internationalisation strategy is currently being developed to bring together and refocus all these activities.

The TUHH has participated in the ERASMUS programme since its beginning also successfully applied for an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) for the new generation of EU educational programmes, which are combined under the Erasmus+ banner. The Charter is a prerequisite for all universities wishing to participate in Erasmus+ programmes between 2021 and 2027.

The university’s Erasmus Charter was signed by the university president, Professor Timm-Giel in April 2021. The Charter is underpinned by the Erasmus Policy Statement.

ECIU (European Consortium of Innovative Universities)

ECIU University is an innovative educational project on a European level. It is open to students, scientists and society across national borders to work together on solutions to relevant societal challenges.



Nicole Frei

Tel: +49 40 42878 4409
E-Mail: n.frei(at)tuhh(dot)de
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 1 (A),
Raum A 2.71


Berit Illmann

Tel: +49 40 42878 2270
E-Mail: illmann(at)tuhh(dot)de
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)
Raum 00.51


Sascha Diedler

Tel.: +49 40 42878 4726
E-mail: sascha.diedler(at)tuhh(dot)de
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3 (E)