Orientation Study Program at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until August 31st.
Companies in summer semester 2024

What is Fishing for Experience?

  • Fishing for Experience is a TUHH practical programme that brings together students, graduates and almuni with attractive companies in the Hamburg metropolitan region.
  • In international and interdisciplinary teams (approx. 5-8 people), TUHH students work on entrepreneurial issues and apply specialist knowledge from their studies in practice.
  • Together with the companies, they develop innovative solutions for future issues and thereby develop valuable key competences for their later career entry.
  • Duration: 5-6 months in a semester, parallel to your studies

Projects summer semester 2024:

Project Overview

P01: Sustainability Impact driven by Standardization of Cabin Seats Assembly Parts

by: Airbus

project language: English

Learn more about the project

P02: Sustainable Surfaces

by: Airbus

project language: English

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P03: Enhanced Data Capture for 3D Printing: Low-Code Interface Project

by: amsight

project language: English

Learn more about the project

P04: Dimensions of carbon footprint reduction in the lifecycle of a thermomixer

by: Eppendorf

project language: English

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P05: Fluorescence thermometer

by: Eppendorf

project language: English

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P06: Concept for restarting the wastewater treatment plant after a blackout

by: HH Wasser

project language: English

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P07: Circular Economy Office

by: HiiCCE

project language: English

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P08: Advanced Cleaning Buddy

by: HiiCCE together with Stadtreinigung Hamburg

project language: English

Learn more about the project

P09: ChatBot Tool for Employee Self Service and User Guidance (cancelled)

Unfortunately, this project had to be withdrawn by: Lufthansa Technik

project language: English

P10: Pi Eye - Real-time Vision Detection System

by: Microharvest

project language: English

Learn more about the project

P11: Tool for optimized operations of a dangerous goods area in the Harbour of Hamburg

by: Scalaplan GmbH

project language: English

Learn more about the project

Projects of previous semesters can be found in our archive.


Fishing for Experience includes workshops on the subjects project management, agile working methods, and key competences for your further career. Find all set dates (mandatory) in our timeline.

Summer semester 2024
What? When? Who? Where?
Info-Event 10.04.20234, 11:00 - 13:00 Uhr companies & interested students TUHH, Foyer A
Teambuilding (Workshop) 20.04.2024, 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr participants (mandatory) TUHH, D 2.022
Kick-Off: Meet your company 22.04. - 26.04.2024, 1,5 h pro Team companies and participants at company
Agile Project Management (Workshop) 27.04.2024, 10:00 bis 16:00 Uhr participants (mandatory) TUHH, D 2.022
Retrospectives individuell, ca. 1h pro Team participants (mandatory) TUHH, A0.25.1
Leading in a project 17.05.2024 von 09:00 - 13:00 Product Owners and SCRUM Masters (mandatory) TUHH, n.n.
Mid-Term Event (Part 1) 11.06.2024, 13:30 - 15:30 Uhr project teams: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 H 0.09
Mid-Term Event (Part 2) 11.06.2024, 16:00 - 18:00 project teams: 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 H 0.09
Sum-up Meeting 04.07.2024, 14:30 - 16:30 participants (mandatory) ZOOM
Closing Ceremony & Poster Presentation 11.07.2024, 15:00 bis 17:30 Uhr companies and participants TUHH, B0.001

Also, you will have your Kick-Off-Meeting with your company on ONE of those dates:

Unternehmen Wann? Wer? Wo?
Airbus (Cabin Seats) 29.04.2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Projektgruppe 01 ONLINE
Airbus (Sustainable Surfaces) 23.04.2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Projektgruppe 02 ZAL
amsight 23.04.2024, 10:00 - 11:30 Projektgruppe 03 beim Unternehmen
Eppendorf (Thermomixer) 22.04.2024, 10:00 - 14:00 Projektgruppe 04 beim Unternehmen
Eppendorf (Fluorescence thermometer) 22.04.2024, 10:00 - 14:00 Projektgruppe 05 beim Unternehmen
HH Wasser 23.04.2024, 13:30 - 15:00 Projektgruppe 06 beim Unternehmen
HiiCCE (Circular Economy Office) 22.04.2024, 15:00 - 17:00 Projektgruppe 07 Jupiter Hamburg
HiiCCE & Stadtreinigung HH 22.04.2024, 13:00 - 15:00 Projektgruppe 08 Jupiter Hamburg
MicroHarvest 24.04.24, 10:00 - 11.30 Projektgruppe 10 beim Unternehmen
Scalaplan 22.04.2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Projektgruppe 11 beim Unternehmen

Information for Students, Graduates, and Almuni

Fishing for Experience is aimed at students (Bachelor & Master), graduates and alumni of the TUHH. Our partner companies come from the Hamburg metropolitan region and are predominantly from the STEM sector (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). Among them are well-known corporations, medium-sized "hidden champions" and creative start-ups.

Fishing for Experience is a particularly good fit for you, if
  • you want to apply the specialist knowledge you have acquired in your studies in practice.

  • you enjoy developing innovative solutions to tricky problems.

  • you would like to train your key skills (communication, leadership, agile project management) and/or establish contacts with companies during your studies.

  • you would like to find out about possible career opportunities (e.g. because you are interested in the company or possible career fields).

  • you like to work in interdisciplinary teams and enjoy turning the skills of each individual into a whole.

  • you want to gain intercultural (work) experience.

General Conditions
  • Your participation in Fishing for Experience and the associated workshops is free of charge, when you are a member of TUHH.

  • The programme is in English (workshops and your team work).

  • Your time commitment is approximately 100 hours, which you do parallel to your studies.

  • After successful participation you will receive a certificate of participation.

  • You can apply to participate in Fishing for Experience.

Support from the TUHH Career Center

The Career Centre accompanies you during the programme and offers you further support in addition to preparatory workshops, through which you can train your key competences relevant to your profession.

  • Preparatory workshops (contents: team building, assignment clarification, agile project management,...)

  • Teaching of job-relevant key competences

  • Advisory support for the project groups

  • Individual counselling and coaching

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Information for Companies

This practical programme is interesting for companies from the Hamburg metropolitan region because you come into contact with qualified and committed potential junior staff.

Fishing is a particularly good fit for your company, if
  • you are looking for innovative and creative solutions to an existing problem.

  • you would like to get to know highly qualified and committed young professionals off the beaten track.

  • you are interested in working on your company project with interdisciplinary project teams of students and graduates of the TUHH, for whose implementation your company may lack resources, time and/or personnel.

  • you enjoy working in intercultural environments.

If you are a company from the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and are interested in participating, please contact us. We will be happy to advise you and support you in all phases of the project.

Picture Gallery


Frauke Kasting

Fishing for Experience
ECIU Challenge Coordination

Office Days: Mo - Th
Room A 1.74
+49 40-42878-6190


Katrin Fimpel

Fishing for Experience
Praxis Plus

Office Days: Mo - Th
Room A 1.74
+49 40-42878-3651