Orientation Study Program at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until August 31st.

Further Information

All the relevant regulations and documents for your studies are provided here. They include the general conditions for examinations at the TUHH are set out in the general study and examination regulations (ASPO) and the subject-specific study and examination regulations (FSPO). In addition, the module handbook describes the specific design of the modules provided in the curriculum and their learning objectives. They also provide information on content, recommended prior knowledge, and literature to help you prepare.


General Contacts

Role Contact
Program Director Prof. Robert Seifried
Program Deputy

Dr. Alexander Held

Program Counseling Dr. Alexander Held
Advanced Internship StudIP course, Dr. Alexander Held
Subject Specific Counseling reg. § 10 Abs. 2, 3, and 4 ASPO All professors who offer courses in the program
Expert reg. § 48 BaföG and Prognosebescheinigungen to § 15 Prof. Daniel Ruprecht
Deputy Dean International (Erasmus) Deputy Dean International of according specialization
Student Representatives Fachschaft ES
Counseling for Dual Students Dr. Haschke

Contacts for Specializations

Specialization Person responsible
Advanced Materials Prof. Jörg Weißmüller
Electrical Engineering Prof. Christian Becker
Mechanical Engineering Prof. Robert Seifried
Mechatronics Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl / Dr. Martin Gomse
Medical Engineering Prof. Michael Morlock


If you still have questions, contact us via email.