Applications are open until September 15 for the Master's program in International Management and Engineering at TU Hamburg.
Prof. Mackens

Study Program Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility, Master of Science

Nowadays, the efficient, on-time, and customer-oriented provision of goods, people, services, information, and funds is an important success factor in the manufacture of complex products in globally networked companies. Logistics experts control and shape the flows within and between companies. Logistics requires a functioning transport infrastructure, which is also a prerequisite for the mobility of people. Transport systems give people access to jobs and educational facilities as well as leisure and shopping facilities. The efficient and environmentally compatible mobility of people is therefore an important task for the future.


Fact sheet

Study program Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility
Degree: Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Study length: 4 Semester
Credit points according to ECTS: 120
Language: German (some modules in English)
Type of study: Full-time study
Start of study: Winter semester (October) / Summer semester (April)
Application period: June 1st – July 15th / December 1st - January 15th
Admission requirements: University entrance qualification, MINTFIT test recommended
Admission restriction: No
Dual studies possible: Yes

What characterizes this study program?

The interdisciplinary master's program in Logistics, Infrastructure, and Mobility is therefore oriented toward engineering science, provides the necessary economic knowledge, and enables students to deepen their knowledge in one of the two application areas, i.e. Production and Transport or Infrastructure and Mobility. For the first time, the syllabus combines the two promising but often separately planned topics of logistics and transport, thus opening up new career perspectives.


How is the program structured?

The interdisciplinary master's program in Logistics, Infrastructure, and Mobility is therefore oriented toward engineering science, provides the necessary economic knowledge, and enables students to deepen their knowledge in one of the two application areas, i.e. Production and Transport or Infrastructure and Mobility. For the first time, the syllabus combines the two promising but often separately planned topics of logistics and transport, thus opening up new career perspectives.

The study program is designed to meet the complex interactions and interdisciplinary requirements of the logistics and transport sector, but at the same time takes into account the specific requirements and also differences in the professional fields with its areas of application. The structure of the study program thus includes:

- Subject-specific compulsory subjects (for all students in the program), 36 LP
- Elective courses in two areas of specialization (students choose one of the two application areas Production and Logistics or Infrastructure and Mobility), 36 LP
- Compulsory elective subjects BWL/VWL, 6 LP
- Non-technical electives, 6 LP
- Project work, 6 LP
- Master thesis, 30 LP

This results in a total of 120 LP.

The third semester is intended as a potential time window for a stay abroad. The fourth semester is reserved exclusively for the master thesis. The workload per semester is 30 credit points.

What job can I take?

The target group of the Master's program are students who have either completed the Bachelor's program in Logistics and Mobility at the TUHH or, in the future, Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility, or who have earned a Bachelor's degree with a logistics or transportation track at other universities and would like to qualify for a job in the following areas, for example:

- Research and development in the field of transport and logistics,
- strategic planning and transportation operations at logistics and transportation companies or transportation-intensive companies,
- strategic planning and day-to-day operations at transport companies and passenger transport authorities,
- Planning, construction and operation of transport infrastructure in municipalities and other public administrations as well as with infrastructure operators (e.g. ports or airport companies),
- Planning and consulting in engineering offices and consulting companies.


What are the requirements?

The prior knowledge required for the study program bases on the engineering science-oriented B.Sc. Logistics and Mobility at the TUHH. The qualification for this master's degree can usually also be achieved via a first degree in one of the following fields: Transport Engineering and Management, Mobility and Transport, Logistics, Transport Economics, Traffic Engineering, and, – with a related focus on Logistics and Transport, – Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering. Professional experience or internships beyond the scope of the first degree program are not required for the LIM program.

How do I apply?

You can apply annually for the winter semester in the period from June 1st to July 15th and for the summer semester in the period from December 1st to January 15th.

Each of the master's degree courses at the TUHH has defined prior knowledge; in the application, you must prove that you have attained such prior knowledge. Your information must be verified in accordance with the module manual of your bachelor's degree or by other suitable documents, for example, a university certificate. You have to upload these documents as part of the online application. The responsible examination board will use this information to assess your suitability for the master's program. The subject-specific prior knowledge required for the master's program in Logistics Infrastructure and Mobility can be found here.

Please note that in the subject area Logistics and Mobility, a total of 30 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) credits must be proven in order to apply for the program. You are not required to have 30 ECTS credits in each of these two areas of application (Logistics and Mobility); it suffices if you have prior knowledge either in logistics or in the transport sector; obviously, it suffices if you have prior knowledge in both areas  If in your bachelor's program you have taken less than 30 ECTS credits in the subject area of Logistics and Mobility but the subject of your bachelor's thesis is clearly related to this subject area of Logistics and Mobility, the scope of the bachelor's thesis can be included in proving the required 30 ECTS credits provided that you reach the minimum requirement of 30 ECTS credits when the combined effect of the subjects taken and the relevant thesis has been considered.

We conduct an online application procedure.


Further questions?

How to start?

To make it easier for you to start your studies at the TUHH, you will find various offers here:

  •     New@TUHH provides you with information on starting your studies, registration at the library and at the computer center.
  •     The Student Counseling Center (put link) offers an orientation session for incoming students of the German-language master's programs
Can I include a semester abroad?

A semester abroad is planned and possible in the third semester. Support is provided by the International Office.

Can I study in the dual program?


Yes, you can! All Master of Science degree programs at the TU Hamburg can be studied dual. Since 2003, the Technical University of Hamburg has also offered its Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in a dual study variant in cooperation with more than 50 cooperating companies.

The study concept combines complete university studies with professional practice in the engineering field. The students are employed by one of our cooperating companies and, as cohorts across study programs, represent the entire spectrum of engineering sciences.

The program is rounded off by seminars on the development of social skills, so that graduates can face the challenges of the working world in a responsible manner.

You can find more information about the dual study program at the TU Hamburg here:  


What are my options to do a PhD?

A completed master's degree in Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility also qualifies you for a doctorate. Further information is available here.

How is campus life?

The TU Hamburg is one of the youngest universities in Germany. On the clearly arranged and cozy campus you will quickly get to know your new fellow students and in spring and summer numerous seating areas and green spaces invite you to linger together in the fresh air. In an almost familiar atmosphere, we celebrate our summer festival every year in June, where our TU's own beer brewing group "Campusperle" also offers its creations. Of course, you can also get involved in our numerous AGs, which also organize regular events, e.g. screenings of the cinema AG, concerts of SingING or SymphonING or the participation of the HULKs in international robot soccer championships.

If you decide to study at TUHH, you also decide for Hamburg, the metropolis on the Elbe, Germany's second largest city and certainly its most beautiful. Hamburg combines urbanity and the maritime and is also Germany's greenest megacity. You'll never get bored here: rowing on the canals during the day or jogging in the city park, sunset on the Elbe, a concert in the Elbphilharmonie or a pub night on the Schanze and the fish market at dawn. Here you will find everything for the enterprising, but also numerous quiet places to pause. Together with your fellow students you will certainly explore Hamburg and its treasures quickly and get to know your new favorite place.


How do I start my career?

Career Center and Alumni Network TU&You

The TUHH Career Center supports students and graduates in the transition from university to work. The services offered include company contact fairs, the TUHH-PraxisPlus internship program for prospective TUHH master's students, case study workshops and job application training. The alumni network TU&YOU offers the opportunity to make contact with former TU members while still a student through a variety of events such as research afternoons, homecoming events and anniversaries.

Where can I find the relevant regulations?

All modalities for admission to the Master's program are regulated in the Statutes on Studies.

The framework conditions for examinations at TUHH are defined by the General Study and Examination Regulations (ASPO) and the Subject-Specific Study and Examination Regulations (FSPO). The Module Handbook describes the concrete design of the modules provided for in the curriculum and their learning objectives. They also provide information on content, recommended prior knowledge and literature for preparation.

All regulations relevant to the study program, the module manual and study plans can be found here.

Whom can I contact?


Sibylle Kronenwerth
SDW Studiendekanat Management-Wissenschaften und Technologie
  • Studiendekanat Management-Wissenschaften und Technologie
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D),
21073 Hamburg
Building D, Room 1.006
Phone: +49 40 42878 4417

The study program "Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility" is thematically located in the research field Logistics, Mobility & Infrastructure.


The study program "Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility" is accreditated.