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Scholarships for all students

Scholarships are a handy way to finance your studies because they are grants and must not as a rule be repaid. In addition to scholarships for gifted and talented students many other scholarships are available subject to terms and conditions.

This section features foundations that fund students in different subject areas. Some of them concentrate on funding engineering or research projects.

This list is in no way comprehensive. A list of smaller foundations that award scholarships can be requested from:

Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft
Barkhovenallee 1
45239 Essen
E-Mail: mail(at)stifterverband(dot)de

Scholarships are awarded on the basis of the terms and conditions and, indeed, the funds at the foundations' disposal, not to mention any priorities they may have. So some foundations may for a while not award scholarships or only fund university research projects.

In principle, scholarships are awarded subject to conditions such as need, political or religious activity. In some cases scholarship holders are expected to work for the foundation or for its aims and objectives after finishing their studies.

The selection criteria or requirements specified in this brochure are in some instances incomplete because they are so varied. That is why we recommend writing to the individual foundations to request information material or taking a closer look at their websites.

For an overview of scholarships and funding available for German students and graduates abroad we recommmend the brochure "Studium, Forschung, Lehre im Ausland - Förderungsmöglichkeiten für Deutsche", which you will find in the TUHH Infothek. For further information we suggest you try the literature listed in the annex under the heading "Literaturhinweise." Some of the books can be consulted in the TUHH library. Most of the following are foundation websites and obviously most of them are in German only.

Your comments and suggestions are most welcome!

» Overview of Scholarships