Apple MacOS - VPN with Cisco AnyConnect
- Summary
- Installation of the VPN Client
- Establish a VPN connection
- Disconnect from VPN
- Uninstallation of the VPN Client
The Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client is available for all Mac OS X versions 11 and higher. Download it here and start it afterwards. To connect please enter the TUHH VPN server name manually:-
macOS Cisco AnyConnect 4.10.07061 without configuration (from MacOS 11.x Big Sur)
- Servername:

Installation of the VPN Client
The Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client is available for all Mac OS X versions 10.4 and higher.For the installation please follow these steps (to enlarge click on the screenshots):
- Download the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client for Apple from our Download VPN Client page
- Start the installation afterwards
- Select in the first window AnyConnect.pkg
- Continue with the introduction
- Accept the software license agreement
- For the installation type just the VPN package is sufficient. The rest can be deselected
- Confirm the installation with Install
- After installation, you will be asked to allow the Cisco system software to be loaded:
- Open the System Preferences
- Select the category Security & Privacy
- Unlock the mask on the lower left by clicking on the lock
- Allow/Permit Cisco system software to be loaded
- Return to the installation dialog
With the message The installation was successful. the VPN Client is ready for use.
Close the installation window with Close - Finally, you can put the installation program into the trash. The latest version is always available and linked on this homepage.
With the Allow of messages you are always informed whether a VPN connection was successfully established or disconnected.
Establish a VPN connection
First start the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client via the Spotlight search. This can be opened via the key combination ⌘+Space (Apple+Space).
The symbol
then appears in the menu bar. This opens a menu. A click on Show AnyConnect Window always opens the main window.
- Enter manually the TUHH VPN server name and confirm with Connect
- You will be asked for your TUHH username and password. Enter these into the login mask
- Confirm the welcome message via Accept
- The main window closes and in the menu bar the symbol shows a lock:
- internal: At our VPN sockets and our notebook workspaces the VPN Client is used for authentication and in the TUHH Wi-Fi (VPN/WEB) also for additional security of the connection.
- external: All the connections of your computer are now redirected into the TUHH over an encrypted VPN tunnel. Your PC will appear in the internet with an IP of the TUHH.
Disconnect from VPN
To disconnect the VPN connection, click on Disconnect in the main window or right-click on the icon
in the menu bar and select Disconnect
If you want to close the VPN Client, you can do so
via the key combination ⌘+Q (Apple+Q) in the main window or
by right clicking onto the symbol in the dock
and choosing Quit Cisco AnyConnect.
Uninstallation of the VPN Client
- To remove the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client from your MacBook, open the Spotlight Search via the key combination ⌘+Space (Apple+Space)
Enter Uninstall AnyConnect and run the uninstall program
- Confirm the uninstallation via Uninstall
Finally, close the program via Quit
Please make sure that your device has the latest patches installed, that you are not using more than one anti-virus program and that no "unblocker" is active.
(Unblocker are programs which can unlock content, that is blocked in one country, but not another.)
If you have questions or problems, please have a look at our help pages first. (Klick here for VPN Help)
With questions, suggestions, reports or further problems
please contact our User Service Center (Helpdesk).
We respond quickly to e-mails to
In the non-lecture period, the WLAN consultation will take place with Finn Müller in room E2.047/E2.048. You can find the dates here, as well as in the corridors in the E building.
- Thusdays 09 AM - 12 PM
- Thursdays 09 AM - 12 PM