
To use the TUHH VPN service, you can implement this on your Android device via two options: Via Cisco AnyConnect or OpenConnect. Use only one service.
To install, you need an internet connection. Use your home network or Eduroam on the premises of TUHH.

Cisco AnyConnect

Cisco AnyConnect

  1. Download the VPN Client Cisco AnyConnect from Google Play.
  2. Start the AnyConnect Client and add a new VPN connection.
  3. Enter the following settings in the connection editor and confirm with a click on "Done":
    AnyConnect AndroidApps AnyConnect startscreen AnyConnect connection editor AnyConnect connection editor, filled in
    • Description: "TUHH VPN"
    • Server address: ""
  4. Choose "TUHH VPN" from the startsreen of the AnyConnect Client to connect to the VPN server of the TUHH.
  5. Finally enter your RZ username and password.
  6. A connection to the VPN server of the TUHH should be established now. You may check the satus of the connection at any time with the little AnyConnect symbol up left in the status bar.
    AnyConnect startscreen, "TUHH VPN" marked promt for credentials AnyConnect Startscreen, connected with TUHH VPN



  1. At first download the VPN Client OpenConnect from Google Play or F-Droid.
  2. Next download the Root certificate T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2 on your device. Use the following settings to install the certificate:
    • Certificate name: T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2
    • Credential use: Apps and VPN
  3. Start OpenConnect Client and add a new VPN-profil.
  4. Enter the following server adress and confirm with "OK":
  5. Enter the following settings in the profile:
    • Profilname: "TUHH"
    • CA certificate: "Storage: /storage/.../Download/t-telesec-root-ca-2.crt"
  6. Choose "TUHH" from the startsreen of the OpenConnect Client to connect to the VPN server of the TUHH.
  7. Finally enter your RZ username and pasword.
  8. A connection to the VPN server of the TUHH should be established now. You may check the satus of the connection at any time with the little key symbol up in the status bar or in the app in the Status tab.
    Finish settings Profile name Certificate OpenConnect Connect to the TUHH Connected to the TUHH


Please make sure that your device has the latest patches installed, that you are not using more than one anti-virus program and that no "unblocker" is active.
(Unblocker are programs which can unlock content, that is blocked in one country, but not another.)

If you have questions or problems, please have a look at our help pages first. (Klick here for VPN Help)
With questions, suggestions, reports or further problems please contact our User Service Center (Helpdesk). We respond quickly to e-mails to

The WiFi consutation on Tuseday the 18.02. will take place form 02 to 05 pm insted of from 9 am to 12 pm.

In the non-lecture period, the WLAN consultation will take place with Finn Müller in room E2.047/E2.048. You can find the dates here, as well as in the corridors in the E building.

  • Thusdays 09 AM - 12 PM
  • Thursdays 09 AM - 12 PM