Fee Regulations for the Computer Center at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) as per 08/01/2017

as per 08/01/2017

The Board agreed to the following Fee Regulations for the Computer Center at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) on 07/05/2017 on the basis of section 6b, paragraph 2 and section 79, paragraph 2, subsection 2, number 3 of the Hamburg Higher Education Act (HmbHG) of 07/18/2001, last amended on 11/16/2016 (HmbGVBl., p. 472) after consultation with the TUHH Academic Senate as per section 85, paragraph 1, number 13 HmbHG of 06/28/2017.

1 Scope

The Computer Center at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) raises fees according to these regulations.

2 Obligation to pay Fees

(1) Members and affilliates of the TUHH can in principle make use of the Computer Center’s services free of charge. These complimentary services are outlined on the Computer Center’s website.

(2) Services that are subject to a fee, as well as their cost, can be found in a regularly updated price list on the Computer Center’s website. Should a chargeable service not be on the price list, a price can be stated on request.

(3) A change to the services under paragraph 1 or the cost of services under paragraph 2, sentence 1 can only occur following consultation in the IT senate committee.

(4) If public services are subject to Value Added Tax, this is to be paid by the debtor. The fees for services that are subject to Value Added Tax increase by the amount of the statutory VAT.

3 Payment obligations

The payment obligation arises on use of the service, which is subject to fees.

4 Application of other Terms

Reference is made to the current valid version of the Regulations on Charges at the TUHH, dated 02/23/2017.

5 Retention of Income

The charges levied remain with the Computer Center as its own income for fulfilling its duties.

6 Entry into force

These regulations come into effect on 08/01/2017.

Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)