Orientation Study Program at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until August 31st.

Status of Selection Processes



Last update: July 2024

Ref. No. Designation Status
P2302 Integrated Circuits COMPLETED
P2206 Sustainable Buildung Materials EXPERT OPINIONS AND COMMITEES
P2303 Power Electronic Devices CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS
P2304 Networked Cyber-Physical Systems CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS
P2401 Berufliche Metalltechnik EXPERT OPINIONS AND COMMITEES
P2402 Photonics PRE-SELECTION

On this page we inform you about the current status of the selection processes at the Hamburg University of Technology.

The table is updated on the first Monday of each month. If you are interested in an intermediate status, please send an e-mail to berufungen@tuhh.de.

The timeline illustrates the 6 steps of the Appointment Monitor

Applicants are informed by e-mail when

  • the appointment committee has made a pre-selection of applicants who will be invited to an interview.
  • the Academic Senate has approved on an appointment proposal (list).
  • an applicant has accepted the offer of a professorship.