Apply now until 1 March for international English-language Master’s Programs starting in the winter semester.

Continental Compounding Technology GmbH, Hamburg

Optimization of logistic processes in chemical weighing department with driverless transport systems

Initial situation
Workers in the small chemical weighing department fill small amounts of chemicals by hand in EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) or PE (polyethylene) bags. The weighing process itself is a classic hand weighing process with a small shovel. Chemicals are stored in transport cars. Material for the transport cars will fill in directly on the weighing point or in separate areas. The weighing process is complete safe with the internal material following system. The weighing process by hand is absolute efficient. The logistic process of the transport cars is the most inefficient process and take a lot of working time.

Transport processes in the small chemical weighing department are absolute inefficient and waste resources. The high efficient weighing process will be disturbed by logistic process.  Sometimes the volume of one transport car cannot handle a full order. In that case, the worker have to stop weighing and refill the transport car.

Aims of the project
Using driverless transport systems to optimize logistic process in the small chemical weighing department. Workers do not have to interrupt with logistic process. Weighing points send information to driverless system and this system will be send the necessary transport car. If the transport car need to refill, the driverless system have to handle this by his own.

-          Logistic
-          Driverless Systems

Target group (students)
-          Bachelor
o   Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften
o   Computer Science
o   Elektrotechnik
o   General Engineering Science
o   Logistik und Mobilität

-          Master
o   Computer Science
o   Elektrotechnik
o   Informatik-Ingenieurwesen 
o   Logistik, Infrastruktur und Mobilität

Please reserve these dates:

  • 11 April: Information event with te companies, from 10am to 12pm, mainbuilding A; LuK
  • 18 April: Kick-off event, from 2pm to 6pm (obligatory attendance)
  • 21 and 28 April: Project management course, full day (obligatory attendance)