Orientation Study Program at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until August 31st.

StartING - Help to get you started with your studies

What is StartING@TUHH?

A tutor group is a small set group consisting of you and other first-semester students on the same degree program. You will get to know other people on your degree programme with whom you can exchange ideas, learn and have fun. Great friendships often blossom from our StartING@TUHH program.

Two experienced TUHH students in higher semesters (and who have been trained in group leadership) run the group. They will share their own experiences, give tips, and help with any specific questions or difficulties.

These tutors will support you and your group throughout the first semester. The tutorial will be held from orientation week (OE week) until the end of January on a set day every week.


What does the programme cover?

In terms of content, StartING@TUHH will provide you with all the key information for starting and continuing your studies. Topics include:

  • Finding your way through the maze of institutions at TUHH (Where can I find something? What do I need to keep an eye on? Who do I contact?)
  • Planning your studies (from how your first-semester timetable is designed to having an entire overview of your studies up to completing your Bachelor’s degree)
  • Examination regulations and other “rules of the game”
  • Study techniques and exam preparation
  • Time management and motivation
  • Studying abroad and other ways to make the most of your time as a student


When does it start?

It will be possible to register for StartING@TUHH for the 2024/25 winter semester at the StartING kick-off events held during the 2024 orientation week (14-18/10/2024). The first tutorial will follow straight after the kick-off event.
The kick-off events:

Course Date and Time Place
Maschinenbau, Mechatronik    

Engineering Science

Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen -
Fachrichtung Logistik und Mobilität
Allgemeine Ingenieurwissenschaften

Computer Science, Data Science, Informatik-Ingenieurwesen,
Elektrotechnik und Technomathematik


Schiffbau und
Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen


Chemie- und Bioingenieurwesen /
Green Technologies