Installation of the printers in MacOS
We offer two variants for the installation of the printers. Which one is the correct one can be answered by the following question:
Do I log on to my computer with the TUHH account that I also use, for example, for mailing, Stud.IP, etc.?
Is the answer YES? Follow the instructions for personalized printing.
Is the answer NO? Follow the instructions for anonymous printing AND additionally you have to install the PaperCut client.
Explanation... [expand for more info]
The print management system receives the incoming jobs and tries to assign them to a known TUHH account. When sending the print jobs from your computer, the current user name is used. If this matches a known TUHH account, the system can clearly assign the jobs.
In order to still be able to match the local user name to a TUHH account, an additional client is necessary and a different print queue is used. Thats why we need to offer two different installation packages.
Installation of the printers for personalized printing
Important: Only use this variant for the printer installation if you have answered YES to the initial question.
Standard A4/A3 Printer (TUHH-Default_A4-A3)
- Select the entry Printer and Scanner in the MacOS system settings.
- Add a new printer.The Add window should open up here. In this window the following values have to be entered:
- Address:
- Protocol (select from the list): IPP
- Queue: /printers/studi
- Name: TUHH-Default_A4-A3
- Location: TUHH
- Use (select from the list): General PostScript Printer
- Select Duplex unit and confirm with OK.

Large format printers (TUHH-Poster_A3-A0 & TUHH-CAD_A3-A0)
The steps for establishing the connection with the large format printers are described below. The associated driver must be obtained at your own responsibility from the manufacturer's site.
Unfortunately, HP does not offer individual drivers, but only a complete package that also includes additional software. We cannot provide support for that installation package.
We use the model "HP DesignJet Z6800".
- Select the entry Printer & Scanner in the MacOS system settings.
- Add a new printer. The Add window should open up here. In this window the following values have to be entered:
- Address:
- Protocol (select from the list): IPP
- Queue: /printers/poster
- Name: TUHH-Poster_A3-A0
- Location: TUHH
- Use (select from the list): Select software...
- Select HP Designjet Z6800ps Photo and confirm with OK
If the printer is not available for selection, the appropriate driver must first be installed. Please refer to our note above.

- Select the entry Printer & Scanner in the MacOS system settings.
- Add a new printer. The Add window should open up here. In this window the following values have to be entered:
- Address:
- Protocol (select from the list): IPP
- Queue: /printers/cad
- Name: TUHH-CAD_A3-A0
- Location: TUHH
- Use (select from the list): Select software...
- Select HP Designjet Z6800ps Photo and confirm with OK
If the printer is not available for selection, the appropriate driver must first be installed. Please refer to our note above.

Installation of the printers for anonymous printing
Important: Only use this variant for the printer installation if you have answered NO to the initial question. You also have to install the PaperCut client.
Standard A4/A3 Printer (TUHH-Default_A4-A3_anon)
- Select the entry Printer and Scanner in the MacOS system settings.
- Add a new printer.The Add window should open up here. In this window the following values have to be entered:
- Address:
- Protocol (select from the list): IPP
- Queue: /printers/studi-anonym
- Name: TUHH-Default_A4-A3_anon
- Location: TUHH
- Use (select from the list): General PostScript Printer
- Select Duplex unit and confirm with OK.

Large format printers (TUHH-Poster_A3-A0_anon & TUHH-CAD_A3-A0_anon)
The steps for establishing the connection with the large format printers are described below. The associated driver must be obtained at your own responsibility from the manufacturer's site.
Unfortunately, HP does not offer individual drivers, but only a complete package that also includes additional software. We cannot provide support for that installation package.
We use the model "HP DesignJet Z6800". The driver is only available for macOS 14, however this version runs on macOS 15 as well.
- Select the entry Printer & Scanner in the MacOS system settings.
- Add a new printer. The Add window should open up here. In this window the following values have to be entered:
- Address:
- Protocol (select from the list): IPP
- Queue: /printers/poster-anonym
- Name: TUHH-Poster_A3-A0_anon
- Location: TUHH
- Use (select from the list): Select software...
- Select HP Designjet Driver - PS and confirm with OK
If the printer is not available for selection, the appropriate driver must first be installed. Please refer to our note above.

- Select the entry Printer & Scanner in the MacOS system settings.
- Add a new printer. The Add window should open up here. In this window the following values have to be entered:
- Address:
- Protocol (select from the list): IPP
- Queue: /printers/cad-anonym
- Name: TUHH-CAD_A3-A0_anon
- Location: TUHH
- Use (select from the list): Select software...
- Select HP Designjet Driver - PS and confirm with OK
If the printer is not available for selection, the appropriate driver must first be installed. Please refer to our note above.

Installation des PaperCut Clients für anonymes Drucken
- Download the PaperCut client [] (TU-intern) and unpack the ZIP archive with a double click
- Move or copy PCClient to Applications
- At the first start the client must be started once with ctrl+click -> "Open", because the application is not verified by Apple.
- A "P" icon appears at the top menu bar. For student accounts, a small window will also open showing the current printing quota.
- A window for authentication opens when printing. You can choose to save the authentification for some time.
The client must be started manually. Apple provides instructions here, on how to automatically open applications at startup/login..

Your printing quota was transferred from Studidruck to PaperCut. Please release your print jobs personally in front of the printer (FollowMe Print).
If you have any questions or problems, please have a look at the instructions and FAQfirst. For further questions, suggestions and problem reports please contact We will respond in a timely fashion. Furthermore you can visit the WLAN consulting during the opening hours.
The WiFi consutation on Tuseday the 18.02. will take place form 02 to 05 pm insted of from 9 am to 12 pm.
In the non-lecture period, the WLAN consultation will take place with Finn Müller in room E2.047/E2.048. You can find the dates here, as well as in the corridors in the E building.
- Thusdays 09 AM - 12 PM
- Thursdays 09 AM - 12 PM