Orientation Study Program at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until August 31st.

Management of the School of Management Sciences and Technology

The management of the School of Management Sciences and Technology consists of the Dean, his Deputy Dean, the Dean's Consultant and the Deanery's office.


The Dean is appointed by the deanery committee every two years. He acts as a connection between the School of Study and the Executive Board and is responsible for the proper teaching and its professional development as well as the distribution of the resources made available for this purpose on behalf of the entire School of Study.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Blecker
Institut für Logistik und Unternehmensführung (W-2)
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
Raum 2.018
21073 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 / 42878 – 3524
E-Mail: blecker(at)tuhh(dot)de

Deputy Dean

The Deputy Dean fills in for the Dean in case of his absence and will usually take over the office as Dean in the next term of office.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Carlos Jahn
Institut für Maritime Logistik (W-12)
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
Raum 5.002a
21073 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 / 42878 – 4450
E-Mail: carlos.jahn(at)tuhh(dot)de

Dean's consultant

The Dean's consultant is the first contact person for the MST Deanery. In addition to professional deanery management, her tasks include the Deanery's strategic development as well as the development and optimization of the Deanery's internal processes. Furthermore, she fulfills an important interface function between the School of Study, the President's Office and the administration.

Sibylle Kronenwerth
Studiendekanat Managementwissenschaften und Technologie
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
Raum 1.006
21073 Hamburg
Tel.: 040 / 42878 – 4417
E-Mail: sibylle.kronenwerth(at)tuhh(dot)de

Administrative office

The administrative office works closely with the Dean and the Dean's consultant. It provides comprehensive support, information and advice in all matters of academic self-administration and accompanies the committee work of the Board of the School of Study.

Lisa Christiansen
Administrative Office of School of Management Sciences and Technology
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 4 (D)
Raum 1.006
21073 Hamburg
Phone: 040 / 42878 – 3772
Email: lisa.christiansen(at)tuhh(dot)de