Orientation Study Program at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until August 31st.

Committees in the School of Management Sciences and Technology

Board of the School of Study

Status group Members Sign Deputy Sign
Professors Prof. Christoph Ihl W-11 Prof. Thorsten Blecker W-02
  Prof. Timo Heinrich W-05 Prof. Christian Lüthje W-03
  Prof. Jochen Kreutzfeldt W-06 Prof. Carsten Gertz W-08
  Prof. Tim Schweisfurth W-13 Jun.-Prof. Moritz Göldner W-EXK2
Academic employees Christopher Kelch W-03 Marvin Kastner W-12
Administrative employees Sibylle Kronenwerth W-DR N. N.  
Students Felix Gill   Jan Scheller  

The term of office for student members on the SDA is one year, and the term of office for other members is two years (Jan. 1, 2023 to Dec. 31, 2024).

The meetings are usually held on the second Wednesday of the month.


Examination Board
Status group Members Sign Deputy Sign
Professors Prof. Thorsten Blecker (Vors.) W-02 Prof. Christian Lüthje W-03
  Prof. Carsten Gertz (Stellv.) W-08 Prof. Thomas Wrona W-10
  Prof. Kathrin Fischer W-04 Prof. Timo Heinrich W-05
Academic employees Florian Dörries W-02 Dr. Stephan Buse W-07
Students Julian Theloke   Niklas Engelhard

The term of office for student members on the Examination Board is one year; the term of office for other members is two years.


Objection Board
Status group Member Sign Deputy Sign
Professors Prof. Christoph Ihl W-11 Prof. Heike Flämig W-08
Students Carolin Herberg   Son Do  
Academic employee Wird vom Präsidium bestellt   Wird vom Präsidium bestellt  

The term of office on the Objection Board is one year for both professorial and student members. The member of the academic employees with the qualification for judicial office is appointed by the Executive Board.


Program Coordinators
Study Program Abbreviation Coordinator Sign Deputy Sign
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Fachrichtung Logistik und Mobilität (B.Sc.) WILUMBS Prof. Heike Flämig W-08 Prof. Jochen Kreutzfeldt W-06
Logistik und Mobilität (B.Sc., expiring) LUMBS Prof. Heike Flämig W-08 Prof. Jochen Kreutzfeldt W-06
Internationales Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (M.Sc.) IWIMS Prof. Kathrin Fischer W-04 N.N.  
Logistik, Infrastruktur und Mobilität (M.Sc.) LIMMS Prof. Carsten Gertz W-08 N.N.  
Global Technology and Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship (M.Sc.) JMTIE Prof. Cornelius Herstatt W-07 N.N.  
Study Program Advisors
Office Representative Sign
Study Program Advisor according to § 10 Abs. 2, 3 and 4 ASPO WILUM/LUM: Prof. Heike Flämig, Contact person: Dr. Jutta Wolff (jutta.wolff@tuhh.de) W-08/W-08
  LIM: Prof. Carsten Gertz, Contact person: Tyll Diebold (tyll.diebold@tuhh.de) W-08/W-08
  IWI: Prof. Kathrin Fischer, Contact person: PD Dr. Meike Schröder (meike.schroeder@tuhh.de) W-04/W-02
  GTIME: Prof. Cornelius Herstatt, Contact person: Dr. Stephan Buse (stephan.buse@tuhh.de) W-07/W-07
Representatives for the selection process of the Master's Programs
Study Program Representative Sign Deputy Sign
IWIMS Prof. Kathrin Fischer W-04 Prof. Christoph Ihl W-11
  Dr. Christina Strobel W-05 Lorenz Kolley W-04
LIMMS Prof. Carsten Gertz W-08 Prof. Heike Flämig W-08
  Jacqueline Bianca Maaß W-08 Tyll Diebold W-08
GTIME/JMTIE Prof. Cornelius Herstatt W-07 Dr. Stephan Buse W-07
Further Representatives of the School of Management Sciences and Technology
Office Representative Sign
Capacity representative Prof. Kathrin Fischer W-04
Appraiser according to § 48 BAföG Prof. Matthias Meyer /Stellv.: Studiendekan MWT, Contact person: Kirstin Strahl-Höhler (kirstin.strahl@tuhh.de) W-01
Prognosis certificats according to § 15 BAföG Prof. Matthias Meyer /Stellv.: Studiendekan MWT, Contact person: Kirstin Strahl-Höhler (kirstin.strahl@tuhh.de) W-01
Internship Office ab 01.04.2023: Michaela Grafelmann (praktikantenamt.wilum@tuhh.de) W-12
Deputy Dean International (Erasmus) Prof. Christian Lüthje W-03