Applications are open until September 15 for the Master's program in International Management and Engineering at TU Hamburg.


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.  Herstatt

Education/Background: Business Administration and Economics, University of Cologne and University of Zurich, PhD University of Zurich/ ETH Zurich, AMP Oxford University. 25 Years working experience in Industry and Consulting

Research fields: User and Community Innovation, Frugal and Social Innovation, Sustainable Innovation

Prof. Dr. Christoph Ihl

Education/Background: Industrial Engineering and Management, TU Berlin
MBA, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
PhD in Management, TU München
Assistant Professor, RWTH Aachen

Research fields: Computational Social Science, Innovation Networks, Cultural Entrepreneurship

Prof. Dr. Christian Lüthje

Education/Background: Business Administration and Economics, University of Kiel, PhD University of Munich
Formerly professor at University of Marburg and University of Bern

Research fields: Open and User Innovation, Innovation Networks, Marketing of Innovation, Innovation Diffusion

Prof. Dr. Christian M. Ringle

Education/Background: Business Administration and Economics, University of Hamburg and University of Kansas, PhD University of Hamburg.
Researcher, Entrepreneur, Consultant

Research fields: Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty, Decision Sciences,  Innovation Adoption, Machine Learning Methods

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wrona

Education/Background: Business Administration and Economics, University of Essen, Dr. rer.pol.habil.  University of Essen.
Chair of Organization & Empirical Management Research, ESCP Business School

Research fields: Strategy & digital Technology, Societal Implications of Datafication, Strategic Practices, Digital Data Ethics

Prof. Dr. Matthias Meyer

Education/Background: Business Administration and Economics, Catholic University of Eichstätt; MSc Philosophy of Science, London School of Economics, Dr. oec. publ. University of Munich

Research fields: Management Accounting, Computer Simulation & Methodology, Business Ethics

Prof. Dr. Timo Heinrich

Education/Background: MSc in Information Systems Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, PhD in Economics University of Duisburg-Essen.

Research fields: Behavioral Economics, Digital Markets, Decision Making under Uncertainty