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Overview of Review Courses plus in the first phase of Bachelor study programs at TUHH. Design: Birgit Carstensen

Overview: Review Courses plus

Some second semester courses at TUHH are defined as foundation examinations according to ASPO §14(3) and therefore have review courses plus in the second and partly in the third semester:

  • Mathematics I and II (EN and DE). Mathematics I is a foundation examination for almost all Bachelor study programs (except TM).
  • Mechanics I (DE). Mechanics I is now a foundation examination in the Bachelor study programs BU, GT, MB, SB, and WiLUM. Students of other Bachelor study programs may also benefit from this review course, according to capacities.

You´ll find all relevant info on review courses in the respective Stud.IP courses, which normally open shortly before the semester start.
=> search „review“ or „Repetitorium“, then look for the subject wanted
The links are also on the TUNE homepage.

For further information, please contact the institutes of Mathematics (E-10) and Mechanics (M-24, M-13) or the Student Counseling Center (Infothek).