The 76 Bachelor's and 68 Master's students not only achieve above-average results in their studies. They also make a social contribution or overcome difficult conditions in their own educational biography. The scholarship holders therefore fulfill a further selection criterion. For example, some cope with studying and everyday life with a chronic illness, care for a relative or support other students who come from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds.
Commenting on the development of the Deutschlandstipendium, Wolfgang Kersten, Vice President Education and member of the selection committee, says: “The Deutschlandstipendium scholarships are a shining example of how we can invest in the future together. They not only offer financial support, but also a network of mentors and like-minded people who inspire and support each other.”
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), private individuals, companies, associations and foundations sponsor this interdisciplinary funding, which is independent of income.
New donors are ABS Europe Ltd, Kuehne Climate Center gGmbH, Peter Ahrens Bauunternehmen, Volante International and Olin Germany Upstream. Former TU Deutschlandstipendium scholarship holders participated as supporters for the third time this year.
The Deutschlandstipendium was introduced nationwide in 2011. In 2023, over 31,000 students were supported with a Deutschlandstipendium with the participation of around 300 universities. Funds amounting to 33 million euros were provided by private donors.
The TU would like to thank all of this year's supporters:
Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Wegmann Stiftung, Gisela und Erwin Sick Stiftung, Kuehne Climate Center gGmbH, H&R Group Landmann Stiftung, Karl H. Ditze Stiftung, Stiftung Bostelmann, Turner & Townsend Stiftung, Werner Sutor Gedächtnis Stiftung, Stiftung zur Förderung der TU Hamburg, ABS Europe Ltd., Peter Ahrens Bauunternehmen GmbH, Volante International, Bundesdruckerei GmbH, Dow Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg Port Authority AöR, Mankiewicz Gebr. & Co. GmbH & Co. KG, Olin Upstream Germany GmbH & Co. KG, PRISMA Projektingenieure GmbH, SICK AG, Synthopol Chemie Dr. rer. pol. Koch GmbH & Co. KG, Leser GmbH, Eurovia Bau GmbH, HKS Ingenieurbüro für Bauwesen, Alumni und Förderer der TU Hamburg e.V., TÜV Nord e.V., Rotary Club Hamburg-Haake, Sonja und Julius Vetter, TU-Deutschlandstipendiat∗innen