Applications are open until September 15 for the Master's program in International Management and Engineering at TU Hamburg.

Hamburg Institute for Innovation, Climate Protection and Circular Economy (HiiCCE) /Stadtreinigung Hamburg

Prototyping of 3D-Printed products and a comparative LCA

Project result: Poster (PDF)


Project Description:

Description of the company
Stadtreinigung Hamburg (SRH) is Hamburg's largest service provider in the field of waste management. With around 3000 employees, it operates as a full-service provider for public, commercial and private customers and is responsible for the collection of residual, organic and household waste in around 900,000 households. The SRH has been an institution under publiclaw (AöR) since 1994. SRH also has other subsidiaries and holdings. So the SRH under the roof SRH Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (SRHV) z. B. 100% stake in MVB Müllverwertung Borsigstraße GmbH (MVB).

Due to several crises around the world and the commitment to become climate neutral by 2030, Stadtreinigung Hamburg has to take action to make sure, that the Stadtreinigung can continue with the garbage pickup. Through that, it is necessary to develop a total new thinking in terms of procurement. One aim is to reduce the dependency on global supply chains by producing items locally where they are consumed. Stadtreinigung has a high demand of spare parts in the field of fleet maintenance.

Several crises around the world are causing trouble in the supply chains. If this situation will be exacerbating, Stadtreinigung might not get necessary replacement parts in time anymore. Stadtreinigung also has to identify opportunities to reduce the carbon Footprint. Therefore, it should be verified if the self-production trough 3D-printing might generate a smaller carbon footprint. Several products are produced with different raw materials, a shortage here can cause production and delivery problems. These delivery problems could threaten the disposal reliability, this must be prevented. Some vehicles of Stadtreinigung are custom made trucks. For the maintenance of these trucks, it is necessary to use special tools. These tools are sometimes not deliverable by the producers, so the employees are modifying tools to fit the requirements of the product for accessibility and functionality. Other parts have a long delivery time. If the delivery time should further increase, vehicles can´t be used due to the shortage of crucial parts.

Aims of the project
The aim of this project is to develop a workflow for the self-production of spare parts and tools. Another aim of the project is to determine the potential of 3D-printed products to reduce the dependency of international supply chains and to maintain the usability of special trucks.


  • Some items have already been Identified, others are to be determined. The advantages and disadvantages are to be pointed out.
  • Several items shall be printed and tested.
  • The self- produced products are to be compared to the original spare parts and tools, in terms of reliability and CO2 emission via a comparative LCA.

3D-Print, LCA, Carbon footprint, supply chains, risk reduction by self-producing of spare parts

Target group (students)
Students who are keen to gain or expand their experiences in 3D-printing and in working with 3D-printers and who would like to join the discussion about the potential of self-produced spare parts, Students who like to work in teams and who are Interested in circular economy.

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