Applications are open! Apply until 15 January for German-language Master’s programs and selected English-language Master’s programs starting in the summer semester.


Development of solutions for Smart Industrial Labs

Description of the company
Composite Technology Center (CTC) is a 100% subsidiary of Airbus and located in Stade, Germany. We focus on research, development, production and education in the field of Fiber Composites, lightweight construction technologies, Digitalization and automation of production technologies, Robotics and additive manufacturing. We work for industries in areas of Aerospace, Automotive, Transportation, Mechanical and plant engineering, Ship building, Railways and wind power to name a few.

Initial situationAs the production complexity increases, it becomes necessary to integrate sensors that can provide data to improve the efficiency of the process. However, with a wide range of sensors in the market it becomes challenging to have a common interface and methodology for sensor installation and data extraction.

In today's competitive industrial environment we are asked not only to develop the production process once, but also to constantly work towards their improvement. At the same time assets in our industry are highly specialized and planned for long lifespans. To improve such assets, there is a need to attach external sensors to the machines and generate value from the data collected. However, due to the heterogeneous nature of sensors and the current machinery, it becomes difficult to have a plug and play solution that can be integrated by everyone without being dependent on experts.

Aims of the project
For supporting industrial asset surveillance and for fostering energy usage monitoring we are planning to develop a modular sensor platform. Based on low cost and readily available IoT hardware those sensor modules will be applied to existing assets and machinery, helping us to better understand serial production process internals. Furthermore, a graphical User interface for easy controlling and visualization of sensor values is to be programmed. A benchmarking of several senor types and networks may be done to understand the usefulness of different sensors in relation to network availability and area of application.

●    Hardware assessment and selection
●    Program Interface to interact with different sensor arrays
●    Compare different sensors arrays and their network interface
●     Save the values in a Database and display it

Target group (students)
Mechatronics, Information Technology, Computer Science

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