Doctoral seminars

The event starts at 5:00 pm.

WiSe 2022/2023
contact person TU
Christian Eichler (Prof. Heinrich, V-03)
Micromechanical powder behaviour in roller compaction process
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski
Fernando López Haro (Prof. Liese, V-06)
Development of Multi-Enzyme Reaction Cascade for the Production of Sialyllactose under High Pressure
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski
Tsz Tung Chan, (Prof. Heinrich, V-03)
xDEM modelling for frozen particle fluid system
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski
Philip Sidney Pein (Prof. Smirnova, V-08)
Systematische Entwicklung und Untersuchung von innovativen, aerogel-basierten Materialien zur Anwendung in der Gasadsorption und Elektrokatalyse
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski
Maike Orth, (Prof. Heinrich, V-03)
Influence of Process Conditions on Granule Morphology in Fluidized Bed Spray Granulation
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski
Sebastian Hofmann (Prof. Schlüter, V-05)
Titel liegt noch nicht vor
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski
Niklas Widderich (Prof. Liese, V-06)
Enzymatic Conditioning of Feed Material prior to Feeding: A Sustainable Approach to Close the P-Cycle
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski
Andreas Zimmermann (Prof. Kaltschmitt, V-09)
Recovery of pentosans and fructans from bioethanol stillage – process development and evaluation
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski
Luca Schmidt (Prof. Liese, V-06)
Determination of Product Diastereomer Excess of the Aldol Reaction by Low-field In-line NMR
Sekretariat Prof. Skiborowski