Orientation Study Program at TU Hamburg: Applications are open until August 31st.

Award of Karl H. Ditze Prize

Technomathematician Jannik Jacobsen was one of three award winners for his master's thesis. The prize was also awarded to the study program ambassadors. (Photo: Nils Kreller)

TU Hamburg Teams Score in "Speed it up!" Engineering Competition

TU Hamburg students take 1st, 3rd and 8th place at the Rohde & Schwarz Engineering Competition "Speed it up!"! Click here for the announcement.


"Surviving Math - Mathematics in Orientation Studies" by W. Derboven (SLS), K. Kruse (E-10) and S. Otten (E-10) was awarded 3rd place in the I3ProTeachING Award for Inspiring Teaching.

Jun.-Prof. Maximilian Kiener, Ethics in Technology (E-EXK 8)

We welcome Jun.-Prof. Kiener to our School of Study and look forward to a successful cooperation!!

Jun.-Prof. Pierre-Alexandre Murena, Human-Centric Machine Learning (E-EXK7)

We welcome Jun.-Prof. Murena to our School of Study and look forward to a successful cooperation!

Future Lecture & EIM Colloquium

In the context of the EIM Colloquium and the Future Lectures, we are pleased to to announce: Inaugural Lecture "Quantum Computing - Goals and Facts" Prof. Martin Kliesch With the participation of: Frank Fehlau, Fujitsu Christian Wiebus, NXP Semiconductors


Maximilian Stark received the Tesat-Spacecom Science Award (2000 EUR) for his Ph.D. thesis „Machine Learning for Reliable Communication Under Coarse Quantization” which was done at the Institute of Communications (E-8).

Herzlichen Glückwunsch

SAC 2023 Best Paper Award Distributed Systems for Michael Sober, Max Kobelt, Giulia Scaffino, Dominik Kaaser, Stefan Schulte (E-19) for the paper "Distributed key Generation with Smart Contacts using zk-SNARKs".

Retirement Prof. Karl-Heinz Zimmermann

We thank Prof. Zimmermann for his many years of work at the Institute of Embedded Systems in the field of algebraic engineering. Furthermore, for his engagement as head of the study program Computer Science and in the selection committee.


Denise-Phi Kuu receives the KuVS Award 2022 for her bachelor thesis "Data Poisoning Detection in Federated Learning" (Institute of Data Engineering, Prof. Schulte and Dr. Schallmoser). The prize will be officially awarded at NetSys next September in Potsdam.