Hannah Sophia Rothberg
- Address
Hamburg University of Technology
Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie
Denickestraße 15 (K)
21073 Hamburg - Office
Building K
Room 2502 - Phone
Tel: +49 40 42878 3446
- sophia.rothberg(at)tuhh(dot)de
Research project
- Rothberg, H.S., Pietsch, S., Schneider, G.A., Heinrich, S.: Fabrication of Highly Filled Composites with an Innovative Miniaturized Spouted Bed, Processes, 2020, 8(5), 521, DOI: 10.3390/pr8050521
- Rothberg, H.S., Pietsch-Braune, S., Spahr, L., Kanina, Y. , Heinrich, S.: Production of magnetite-polyvinyl butyral composites usind a Nano Spray Dryer, Powder Technology, 2021, 394-402, DOI: 10.1016/j.powtec.2021.08.063
- Vaca Guerra, M., Harshe, Y.M., Fries, L., Rothberg, H.S., Palzer, S., Heinrich, S.: Influence of particle size distribution on espresso extraction via packed bed compression, Journal of Food Engineering 2022, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2022.111301
Conference contributions
- Rothberg, H.S., Eichner, E., Schneider, G.A., Abetz, A., Heinrich, S.: Fabrication of Highly-Filled Composites Using Spouted Bed Spray Coating (Poster award), Partec 2019, April 9-11, Nürnberg, Germany
- Rothberg, H.S., Eichner, E., Schneider, G.A., Abetz, A., Heinrich, S.: Fabrication of Highly-Filled Composites Using Spouted Bed Spray Coating (Poster), 9th International Granulation Workshop 2019, June 26-28, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Rothberg, H.S., Schneider, G.A., Heinrich, S.: Herstellung von Magnetit-Polmyer-Kompositen mittels Nanosprühtrocknung und Untersuchung der mechanischen Eigenschaften (Oral presentation), ProcessNET-Jahrestagung 2020, September 21-24, Germany
- Rothberg, H.S., Pietsch, S., Schneider, G.A., Heinrich, S.: Production of Highly-Filled Composites by Nano Spray Drying (Poster), Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Trocknungstechnik, March 15-16 2021, Germany, https://doi.org/10.1002/cite.202055071
- Rothberg, H.S., Heinrich, S.: A Process Route for the Fabrication of Artificial, Tailor-Made Composites by Nano Spray Drying (Oral presentation), 13th ECCE and 6th ECAB (virtual event), September 20-23 2021, Germany
- Rothberg, H.S., Skorych, V., Heinrich, S., Dosta, M.: Mesh-Free Simulation of the Mechanical Properties of Particle-Polymer Composites (Oral presentation), Particles 2021, October 4-5 2021, Hamburg, Germany
- Rothberg, H.S., Heinrich, S.: Production of Composites Material from Spray Drying and Warm Compaction (Keynote presentation), CHoPS 2022, Juli 5-9 2022, Salerno, Italy
- Rothberg, H.S., Lohmann, C., Pietsch-Braune, S., Heinrich, S.: Production of composites by a miniaturized fluidized bed spray granulation process (Oral presentation award), WCPT9 2022, September 18-22 2022, Madrid, Spain