Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology

Since April 2008 the institute is headed by Prof. Stefan Heinrich. It was founded as one of the first at the Hamburg University of Technology in 1980 by Prof. Joachim Werther.
The research focus is in the area of fluidization technology and its industrial application. Fields of application include physical processes as granulation and drying, chemical reactions and energy conversion. Further research activities are concerned with the flowsheet simulation of complex solids processes and the simulation of gas/solids flows.
Several Ph.D. students work in a variety of fields of particle technology. A detailed scheme of members of the institute is shown here.
There is numerous equipment available in the fields of particle characterization, particle properties and fluidized bed technology. A detailed list can be found here.
Students of the TU Hamburg can find interesting topics for their Master, Bachelor and Project Thesis work. The offerings and open positions at our research group are posted here.