Particle structure, morphology and moisture

Moisture analyzer (Precisa EM 120-HR)
Analyze moisture content of solid materials
- Mass up to 124 g
- Accuracy: 0.1 mg or 1 mg
- Temperature up to 230 °C

Dynamic Vapor Sorption Analyzer (DVS Resolution)
Dynamic vapor sorption isotherms from 5 to 85 °C
- Water (and other solvent) sorption kinetics
- In-situ preheating/drying of samples to 300°C
- Sample masses from 1mg to 5000mg
- Surface and bulk measurement capabilities and analysis
- Water diffusion and permeation measurements
- Color Video microscopy
- Optional Fiber Optic Raman

3D Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope VK-X160K, Keyence
3D measurement on objects with complex geometries, with high-resolution and low noise (roughness measurement)
- Non-contact measurement
- 16-BIT photomultiplier (PMT)
- Display resolution: 5 nm
- Fully-focused color observation
- Optical lenses: 10×, 20x, 50x and 100× magnification

Bomb calorimeter (IKA-Janke & Kunkel C4000)
Applied for determination of calorific value of solid and liquid fuels and biomasses. This is an adiabatic calorimeter, which works according to DIN 51900-3.

Helium-Pycnometer (Mutlivolume Micromeritics 1305)
Provides a precise and rapid determination of the true volume of powders, porous materials, and irregularly shaped solid objects.

Pycnometer (Gay-Lussac)
For determination density of liquids and gross density of solids. Gravimetric measurement with glass vessel of known volume according to DIN 51757.

Muffle Furnace: Heraeus MR 170 E
The main purpose is the heating of samples up to 1000°C. The furnace can thus be used for calcination, drying, burning out of vessels and the measurement of coke and ash content of fuels.