Presentations and Events

Name of presenter / Event Topic Date and time Location
Prof. Markus Kraft Beyond Connected Digital Twins: The World Avatar - Building Resilient Cities 29.01.2025 17:00 Audimax 2
Carine Lourenco Alves, M.Sc. ntegrated Process Simulation applied to the Optimization of Porcelain Tile Manufacturing 20.06.2024 13:00 A. S.-C. 1 (B) Raum 0.13.1
Hannah Sophia Rothberg, M.Sc. Herstellung und Modifikation von Partikel-Polymer-Kompositen durch Wirbelschichtsprühgranulation und Sprühtrocknung 29.02.2024 13:00 A. S.-C. 1 (B) Raum 0.13.1
Tobias Oesau, M.Sc. Influence of Liquid on Particle Dynamics in a Rotary Fluidized Bed 13.02.2024 13:30 A. S.-C. 1 (B) Raum 0.13.1
Kolja Ference Jarolin, M.Sc. Diskrete-Elemente-Modellierung der pyrolytischen Zersetzung und Fragmentierung von Holzpellets im Chemical-Looping Vergasungsprozess 22.01.2024 15:00 A. S.-C. 1 (B) Raum 0.13.1
Phillip Nicolas Depta, M.Sc. Physics-Based and Data-Driven Multiscale Modeling of the Structural Formation in Macromolecular Systems 19.01.2024 16:00 A. S.-C. 1 (B) Raum 0.13.1
Prof. Stefan Radl (TU Graz) Beyond classical DEM: extreme deformation & cohesive interlocking 30.08.2023 14:00 A. S.-C. 1 (B) Raum 0.13.1
Timo Dymala, M.Sc. Application of the MP-PIC method for modeling a novel plant design for biomass chemical looping gasification 16.08.2023 12:00 A. S.-C. 3 (B) Raum 0.001
Moritz Buchholz, M.Sc. Towards a multiscale model-based design of spray drying processes 20.03.2023 15:00 A. S.-C. 3 (B) Raum 0.001
Patrick Levin, M.Sc. Designing the Internal Porous Structure of Soluble Coffee Particles to Improve Freeze-Drying and Functionality 20.12.2022 15:30 A. S.-C. 3 (B) Raum 0.001
Monika Goslinska, M.Sc. Strategy for spray coating of highly porous and light weighting particles using spouted bed technology 09.12.2022 15:30 Raum H0.16
Prof. Jennifer Curtis (University of California) Flow Behavior of Aspherical and Cohesive Particles 20.07.2022 13:00 Denickestraße 15 (K), Raum 2511
Prof. Stefan Pirker (Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz) Existing challenges and novel perspectives for DEM and CFD-DEM simulations 07.06.2022 15:30 SBS 95 (H), Raum H0.09
Prof. Dr. Berend van Wachem (OVGU Magdeburg) Consistent Euler-Lagrange approach for particulate flow modelling with arbitrary particle size/mesh resolution ratio 26.09.2019 15:00 Denickestraße 15 (K), Raum 2511
Tom Wytrwat, M.Sc. Influence of Temperature on the Transition from Bubbling to Turbulent Fluidization for Geldart’s Group B Particles 29.03.2018 13:30 Denickestraße 15 (K), Raum 2511
Dr. Benjamin Bonfils (University of Queensland) Dynamic (flowsheet) simulation of a milling process in the mineral industry 12.12.2018 13:00 Denickestraße 15 (K), Raum 2511
Dr. Rachel Smith (University of Sheffield) Rate Processes in Particle and Powder Technology 21.11.2018 15:00 Denickestraße 15 (K), Raum 2511
Prof. Dr. Ravendra Singh (Rutgers University) Advanced modelling and control of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process 16.07.2018 14:00 Eißendorfer Straße 40 (N), Raum N0.009
Prof. Dr. Jitrenda Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur) Mathematical and Numerical Challenges in Particle Technology 19.06.2018 13:00 Denickestraße 15 (K), Raum 2511
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pirker (Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz) Can we bridge between recurrence CFD (rCFD) and process control? 03.04.2018 14:00 Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5 (Building H), Raum H0.09
Prof. Rohit Ramachandran, Ph. D. (Rutgers University) Model development, validation, sensing and control of continuous drug product manufacturing processes 27.03.2018 14:00 Eißendorfer Straße 38 (Building O), Raum O0.09
Workshop SPP 1486 "PiKo", SPP 1679 "Dyn-Sim-FP" DEM-Partikelkontaktmodelle und Simulation von Mehrphasensystemen mittels CFD-DEM 16.03.16 - 18.03.16 Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg
Prof. Hazim A. Al-Qureshi, Ph.D. F.I.Mech.Eng. C.Eng. (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina) On the mechanics of cold die compaction for powder metallurgy 28.10.15, 10.00 Denickestraße 15 (Building K), R. 2511
Takamasa Ito (IHI Corporation, Japan) Introduction of Coal Activity in IHI 22.05.15, 10.00 Building K.2511
Prof. Karl Sommer Hochschulkurs zur Thema „Rheologie“ 28.05.15 10:00-12:00 + 13:00 - 17:00 und Freitag, 29.05.15 9:00-12:00 Gebäude O, Raum 007
Prof. Sankaran Sundaresan (Princeton University, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Multiphase Flow) Coarse-graining gas-particle flow simulations 4. September 2014 17:00 h Gebäude D, Raum 2022
Prof. Wirth (Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Particle Technology) Maßgeschneiderte Partikeloberflächen für optimierte Prozess- und Produkteigenschaften 23. Januar 2014 17:00 h SBS 95 (H), Raum H0.09
Prof. Litster (Purdue University) Modeling and Optimization of Continuous Wet Granulation 27. November 2013 13:30 h SBS 93 (A), Raum A1.19.1
Prof. K. Sommer (TU Munich) Mischen von Feststoffen 04.-05. July 2013 10:00 h SBS 95 (A), Raum A0.19
Prof. Fratzl (Max-Planck-Institut für Kolloid- und Grenzflächenforschung, Potsdam) Materialwissenschaftliches Kolloquium 23. Januar 2013, 17:00 h K 506, Denickestr. 15
Prof. Heinrich und Mitarbeiter Students meet Research - get together von Studenten und Mitarbeitern 25. Januar 2012, 17:00 h Erhalt nach Anmeldung (spe (at)
Prof. K. Sommer (TU Munich) Rheologie und Rheometrie 06.-08. July 2011 09:00 h - 13:00 h DE 22 (I), R. 0053/0054
Prof. Kraft (University of Cambridge, Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology) Multidimensional Population Balance Model for Granulation 28. April 2011, 16:30 h ES 40(N), R. 0008
Prof. Chrivtsov (Polytechnical University, Russia St. Petersburg, Department of Theoretical Mechanics) Modelling of solids with microstructure at different scale levels using particles 03. March 2011, 14:00 h Denickestraße 15 (K), R. 2511
SPE Students meet Research 02. February 2011 will be announced after registration
Prof. Peukert (Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institute of Particle Technology) Process engineering of quantum dot systems 20. January 2011, 17:15 N-ES40, R. 0007
Prof. Palzer (Nestle Research Centre, Switzerland) Technologies for Functional-, Pharma- and Cosmeto-Foods 24. June 2010, 2 p.m. Audimax 2
Prof. Briesen (TU München, Lehrstuhl für Systemverfahrenstechnik) Mehrskalige Modellierung populationsdynamischer Systeme am Beispiel technischer Kristallisationsprozesse 09. June 2010,11 a.m. Denickestraße 15 (K), room 2511
Prof. Tsotsas (Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik,Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg) Discrete modelling in particle technology 28. January 2010  
Prof. Tomas (Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Mechanical Process Engineering) Produkteigenschaften ultrafeiner Partikel – Mikromechanik, Fließ- und Kompressionsverhalten kohäsiver Pulver 23. October 2009  
Dipl.-Ing. Z. Li and Prof. M. Kind (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik) Fortgeschrittene Methoden zur Beschreibung der Wirbelschicht-Sprühgranulation 09. July 2009