Particle Size Analysing Devices at SPE

Mastersizer 3000 Laser diffraction particle size analyzer
Particle size distributions of suspensions, emulsions and powdersparticle size measurements ranging from 0.04 µm to 2000 µm in Hydro Cell.
Particle size distributions of powders ranging from 1 µm to 2000 µm in Aero cell.

Camsizer XT, Retsch
Dynamic image analysis according to ISO 13322-2.
Measurement range:
- Gravity Dispersion: 10 μm - 3 mm
- Air Pressure Dispersion: 1 μm - 1,5 mm
- Wet Dispersion: 1 µm - 600 µm

Air Jet Sieve Alpine A200, Hosokawa Alpine
Measurement range: 20 μm – 4 mm

LS 13 320 Laser Diffraction, Beckmann Coulter
Laser diffraction/light scattering using Fraunhofer or Mie theory, according to ISO 13220 and Polarization Intensity Differential Scattering (PIDS) technology for submicron identification.
Measurement range:
• 0.4 – 2000 μm (mixture of materials)
• 0.04 – 2000 μm (pure materials with known refractive index)

SediGraph III PLUS, Micromeritics
Sedimentation technique in a liquid with known properties is used. Particles are dispersed either in an aqueous or in an organic solvent. The measuring principle is based on X-Ray absorption.
Measurement range: 0.1 – 300 µm

Parsum-Probe IPP 70-S, Parsum
The inline particle sizing probe utilizes the measurement principle of Spatial Filter Velocimetry. This technique uses a number-based, chord length sizing method in order to deliver particle size and velocity distributions of a certain particle buffer.
Measurements range:
- Particle Size: 500-6000 µm
- Particle Velocity: 0.01-50 m/s