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We are excited to welcome Katharina Mohrdieck as a new member of our institute!

Katharina will be contributing to an important IGF project titled:
"Identification, Detection, and Modeling of Process Anomalies in Fluidized Bed Spray Agglomeration to Ensure Product Quality."
This project holds significant industrial relevance and combines experimental approaches with cutting-edge machine learning methods. We are excited about the potential impact of this research and look forward to collaborating closely with the project advisory committee.
Welcome, Katharina Mohrdieck! We are happy to work together on this innovative journey and are happy to have you in our team.

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Exciting News from CHoPS 2024 in Edinburgh!

We’re proud to share that our colleague Robert Kräuter recently presented at the prestigious CHoPS Conference, with his talk titled "The Role of Machine Learning for Intelligent Digital Twins of Fluidized Beds". This work, in collaboration with the Fraunhofer IFF and PERGANDE Group, showcases cutting-edge research in the field.

The conference, chaired by Jin Ooi, brought together leading experts, and Robert’s contribution stood out - he was awarded 2nd place in the IChemE PTSIG Early Career Researcher of the Year Award! Congratulations to Robert for this outstanding achievement, and a big thank you to Pablo García-Triñanes and Colin Hare for presenting the award. We’re excited to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation in the years to come!

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Glatt Colloquium on Powder Technology

We are happy to anounce, that Prof Stefan Heinrich, will hold a presentation about "Multi-scale modelling and characterization of dense gas-solid flows" at the Glatt Colloquium on Powder Technology. If you are interested, the registration of the event is open until October, 1st.

At the colloquium you will get a comprehensive overview of processes for thermal powder production:
 - Particle/process gas interaction
 - Production of raw materials and precursors
 - Processes in the synthesis reactor
 - Downstream processes
 - Analytics
 - Application examples

For synthesis, coating and calcination of micro- and and nanopowders, treatment in a pulsating hot gas pulsating hot gas flow has proven to be advantageous in numerous cases. Learn more about this technology and its potential. We have succeeded in bringing together leading scientists in this field. In this way, we can shed light on the entire process chain in the production of novel powders, both theoretically and by means of selected examples.

Who should attend?

Are you a materials scientist, product developer and are you involved in research or production? The colloquium is basically aimed at anyone who is looking for novel ways to manufacture, coat and thermally post-treat fine powders – from the nano to the micrometer range. Solutions for complex stoichiometry and crystal structure requirements, for example in mixed oxides, will be considered, as well as options for organic and inorganic core-shell coating and aspects of calcination. The combination of theoretical considerations and practical experience takes into account different levels of prior knowledge.

How to participate?

Date: October 29-30, 2024
Location: Glatt Engineering GmbH, Nordstraße 12, 99427 Weimar
Participation fee: 120 € (plus VAT) Costs for the evening program on 29.10.2024 are included
Registration: Please register bindingly by 01.10.2024 at the latest.

Upon request, you will also receive recommendations for overnight accommodation in the cultural city of Weimar.

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Part III of our trip to China

Stefan Heinrich and our four PhD students really enjoyed the CFB-14 Conference in Taiyuan.

After the successful conference, the PhD students Lennard Lindmüller, Marian Schmitt, Zhi Cheng Hua and Abdullah Sadeq visited our research partners and friends Dr. Shen Wang and Prof. Laihong Shen from the Key Laboratory of Energy Thermal Conversion and Control of Ministry of Education of Southeast University in Nanjing, China. 

In a scientific exchange, the focus was on current challenges in the field of chemical looping combustion and how this process can contribute to sustainable energy production on a large scale with a capacity of 3-4 megawatts for a more climate-friendly environment. The discussion broadened to the extent to which the optimization of formulations and processes, for example spray coating, can contribute to improving the properties of oxygen carriers in order to significantly enhance the efficiency of the chemical looping process. 
After an additional tour through the laboratories and a subsequent lunch with regional delicacies, the research partners guided our doctoral students through the impressive city of Nanjing. 

Many thanks to Prof. Laihong Shen and Dr. Shen Wang for having us.  Here's to further great cooperation in the future!

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Part II of our trip to China

After a very exciting and successful start in Beijing, the second part of the trip took Prof. Stefan Heinrich and the four SPE PhD students to the 14th International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Beds (CFB 14) in Taiyuan, China.

The conference included a total of 200 contributions from 15 nations on a range of topics from dynamics, heat and mass transfer of gas-solid flow, modeling and simulation, combustion, pyrolysis and gasification to fine particle and nano-particle systems.
At this conference:

  • Stefan Heinrich gave an enthusiastic plenary lecture on "Challenges in Understanding, Modeling and Control of Particle Formulation by Spray Granulation", which held every ones attention in the audience
  • Lennard Lindmüller gave an awesome keynote lecture on "Particle Movement in a Circulating Fluidized Beds vial Electrical Capacitance Volume Tomography and Particle Imaging Velocimetry".
  • Marian Schmitt gave an exciting lecture on "Reaction Kinetics of Biogenic Fuel for Chemical Looping".
  • Zhi Cheng Hua gave a great lecture on "JET assisted fluidized bed production of battery hetero aggregates with structural analysis"
  • Abdullah Sadeq gave an impressive lecture on "On the Mechanical Stability of Biomass Pellets with Different Initial Densities after Fluidized Bed Pyrolysis", which was subsequently awarded the "Best Paper" by the CFB14.  Congratulations on that! 

Many thanks to the organizers for hosting an unforgettable conference. We gained numerous new insights and had the opportunity to contribute exciting topics.

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Exciting News from Beijing!

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Stefan Heinrich, accompanied by four of our PhD researchers, is currently in China for the 14th International Circulating Fluidized Bed Conference.

During this visit, Prof. Heinrich delivered a lecture at the Institute of Process Engineering (IPE), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). His presentation focused on the latest research at our institute, highlighting projects and the profiles of our researchers.

In addition, Prof. Heinrich participated in an editorial meeting with Prof. Jinghai Li, editor-in-chief, and other editors, including Profs. Guanghui Ma, Qiang Zhang, and Wei Wang. The meeting discussed the development strategy and future direction of the journal PARTICUOLOGY.

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We are happy to share our new publication: " Phenomenological model of moisture redistribution in porcelain stoneware spray-dried powder stored in silo

The paper is part of our joint collaboration between Germany and Brazil for digitalization of porcelain stoneware manufacturing.

An original multiscale approach incorporated segregation into the coupled mass/heat transfer equations to model moisture redistribution in silos. The proposed model can be applied in any silo application. Check it free for limited time

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New PhD at SPE!

Last week we had a reason to celebrate!
Our colleague Carine Alves successfully defended her dissertation "Integrated Process Simulation applied to the Optimization of Porcelain Tile Manufacturing". One excellent example of the industrial-scale optimization potential of Dyssol program developed in our institute. For not only increased efficiency but also more environmentally friendly processing.
Many thanks also to the examination board Irina Smirnova and Michael Schlüter!

For more informations about Dyssol, check DyssolTEC !

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Exciting news! We're thrilled to welcome our new PhD student Amirali Khosrozadeh to our team.

With his background in mechanical engineering and his machine learning skills, he is well prepared for starting the research on the DFG financed topic "Identification of the mechanical behavior and coupling with improved internal structural analysis of frozen particle fluid systems". Amirali will work with our inhouse developed DEM tool MUSEN. By doing µCT measurements and uniaxial compression tests, Amirali will work on the optimization of a creep solid bonds model and train an artifical neural network. Welcome to SPE, Amirali Khosrozadeh.

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Inauguration of the United Nations University Hub at TUHH

We are very happy that we had the chance to be part of the inauguration of the United Nations University Hub at the Technische Universität Hamburg. It was a great honor to show Tshilidzi Marwala, the Rector of the United Nations (UN) University and UN Under-Secretary-General, and his delegation our showcase of a prismatic spouted bed and to explain how fluidized bed technology can support the university's mission "Engineering to face climate change". We are very much looking forward to continuing our work in this important research field.

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Best presentation award at annual VDI/DECHEMA group meeting Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik

With the same amount of votes Falk Bunke and Robert Kräuter won the best presentation award at the annual VDI/DECHEMA group meeting Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik 2024 for the presentations:

"When particles get wet - micro scale insights into particle collisions" by Falk Bunke

"Soft sensing of solid water content in fluidized bed processes" by Robert Kräuter

Two new PhDs in February 2024

What a year! There are already another two finished PhDs from our institute! We congratulate both Tobias Oesau and Sophia Rothberg on achieving their PhDs in February 2024.

Tobias worked on the topic " Influence of Liquid on Particle Dynamics in a Rotary Fluidized Bed“. The examiners of the PhD defense were Prof Sergiy Antonyuk (TU Kaiserslautern) and Prof. Stefan Heinrich.

Sophia worked on the topic "Herstellung und Modifikation von Partikel-Polymer-Kompositen durch Wirbelschichtsprühgranulation und Sprühtrocknung". The examiners of the PhD defense were Prof. Irina Smirnova (TUHH) and  Prof. Stefan Heinrich.

Two new PhDs in January 2024

We congratulate both Nicolas Depta and Kolja Jarolin on achieving their PhDs in January 2024.

Nicolas worked on the topic "Physics-Based and Data-Driven Multiscale Modeling of the
Structural Formation in Macromolecular Systems“. The examiners of the PhD defense were Prof. Carsten Schilde (TU Braunschweig), Jun.-Prof. Pavel Gurikov (TUHH) and Prof. Stefan Heinrich.

Kolja worked on the topic "Diskrete-Elemente-Modellierung der pyrolytischen Zersetzung und Fragmentierung von Holzpellets im Chemical-Looping Vergasungsprozess". The examiners of the PhD defense were Prof Sergiy Antonyuk (TU Kaiserslautern) and Jun.-Prof. Maksym Dosta.

Honorary Professorship for Prof. Heinrich

The University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Sofia, Bulgaria) has appointed Prof. Stefan Heinrich as honorary professor for his valuable contributions and many years of fruitful cooperation.

Two new PhDs in December

We congratulate both Patrick Levin and Monika Goslinska on achieving their PhDs in December 2022.

Patrick worked on the topic "Designing the Internal Porous Structure of Soluble Coffee Particles to Improve Freeze-Drying and Functionality" and did a major part in the planning for the NESTLÉ CREATIVE FOOD LAB, which was inaugurated in June 2022.

Monika worked on the topic "Strategy for spray coating of highly porous and light weighting particles using spouted bed technology"

Best poster and presentation award at the 9th World Congress on Particle Technology in Madrid

Poster award won by Vasyl Skorych for his poster "An open-source framework for dynamic flowsheet simulation of solids".

Presentation award won by Sophia Rothberg for her work on "Production of composites by a miniaturized bed spray granulation process"

Gedenken an Dr.-Ing. Michael Wolff

Am 18. August 2022 verstarb plötzlich und unerwartet und viel zu früh Dr.-Ing. Michael Wolff im Alter von 38 Jahren.

Wir trauern um einen ehemaligen Mitarbeiter,
der von 11/2009 bis 10/2015 am Institut für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie der Technischen Universität Hamburg Doktorand war.

Ganz besonders ist, dass er als Physiker mit einem 1,0-Abschluss der Universität Hamburg zu uns an die Technische Universität kam und unbedingt im Bereich der Ingenieurwissenschaften am Institut promovieren wollte. Das hat mich tief beeindruckt und natürlich war ich glücklich, solch einen exzellenten, ehrgeizigen Kandidaten als Doktoranden zu bekommen. Er hat in all den Jahren am Institut viele interessante Fragestellungen zur sogenannten Strahlschichttechnologie - speziell zur Erzeugung hochgefüllter Keramik-Polymer-Komposite - sehr erfolgreich bearbeitet und seine Dissertation mit dem Prädikat „sehr gut“ abgeschlossen. Gemeinsam haben wir auch ein Weltpatent erarbeitet, was er als Doktorand in großer Akribie entwickelt hat. Seine Vorarbeiten im Landesexzellenzcluster haben maßgeblich dazu beigetragen, dass wir seit der ersten Förderperiode Mitglied des DFG-Sonderforschungsbereiches 986 sind. Er gehörte zur ersten Doktorandenkohorte und hat insbesondere die Kooperation mit Prof. Schneider vom Institut für Technische Hochleistungskeramik begonnen.

Seit seiner Promotion arbeitete er bei der Lindauer DORNIER GmbH. Auch dort wurde er von seinen Kollegen und der Geschäftsführung sehr wertgeschätzt, sowohl für seine persönlichen Qualitäten als auch für sein fachliches und wissenschaftliches Arbeiten.

Das Institut verliert mit ihm einen äußerst liebenswerten Menschen und Alumni.

Alle Mitarbeiter des Instituts werden ihm stets ein ehrendes Gedenken bewahren.

In großer Trauer
Technische Universität Hamburg
Institut für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Stefan Heinrich

Visit and presentation of Prof. Jennifer Sinclair Curtis

We are happy to have welcomed Prof. Jennifer Sinclair Curtis from University of California, Davis for a visit at our institute on the 20th of July 2022.
Prof. Curtis has held a presentation about the Flow Behavior of Aspherical and Cohesive Particles at our institute's library (Denickestraße 15 (K), room 2511).

Talk by Prof. Stefan Pirker on Existing Challenges and Novel Perspectives for DEM and CFD-DEM Simulations

Prof. Stefan Pirker, head of the Department of Particulate Flow Modelling at the Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Österreich will visit our institute on June 06 & 07. He will hold a presentation on "Existing challenges and novel perspectives for DEM and CFD-DEM simulations" on June, 03:30 pm at SBS 95 (H), room H0.09.

The full actract can be found here



Official inauguration of the NESTLÉ CREATIVE FOOD LAB

The NESTLÉ CREATIVE FOOD LAB at our institute is now officially inaugurated. We thank all speakers at the Day of Food Process Engineering on June, 1st. The press release of the event can be found here.


Best poster and presentation award at annual meeting ProcessNet group "Computational Fluid Dynamics + Mischvorgänge + Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik" 2022

Poster award won by Falk Bunke for his poster Micro scale investigations of agglomeration and deagglomeration due to single collisions between wetted particles.

Presentation award won by Abdullah Sadeq for his work "Influence of water content on properties of biomass pellets: Reversible and irreversible changes".

Special Issue "Computational and Experimental Study of Granulation in Fluidized Beds"

The new Special Issue "Computational and Experimental Study of Granulation in Fluidized Beds", edited by Prof. Dr. Stefan Heinrich from and Prof. Dr. Evangelos Tsotsas from Otto-von-Fuericke University Magdeburg is open for submissions in Processes MDPI.

Article at the TUHH magazine about our Digital Twin Guide project

The TUHH magazine spektrum published an article about the innovative topic of digital twin guides in process engineering. Link to the article

Best poster award at 2022 ProcessNet "Mehrphasenströmungen" meeting

Trilateral project with Fraunhofer IFF and Pergande GmbH

Our trilateral project "Development of an intelligent Digital Twin for the prediction and control of the fluidized bed spray granulation process conditions by means of transient flowsheet simulation" is selected as one of five projects which are funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft.

Project coordination:
Professor Dr.-Ing. Stefan Heinrich, TU Hamburg,
Professor Dr.-Ing. Przemyslaw Komarnicki Ph.D., Fraunhofer Institute für Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Magdeburg

Partner: IPT-Pergande GmbH, Weißandt-Gölzau

The aim of the work is the development of an intelligent Digital Twin using the example of the fluidized bed spray granulation process. With faster than real-time simulations the Digital Twin reproduces the state of the physical plant and predicts its future behavior, enabling reliable control of the process. Underlying models will be developed with help of experimental data. The resulting model will then be implemented in the flowsheet simulation software Dyssol which has been developed during the DFG predecessor project (SPP 1679). The implementation into the process control system is conducted at the industrial partner, the company Pergande Group. Besides the operation of lab-scale plants, the transferability to larger plants will be demonstrated. 


Our work on the front cover of processes

Our work on the Influence of Freezing Parameters on the Formation of Internal Porous Structure and Its Impact on Freeze-Drying Kinetics has been featured on the cover of processes Volume 9, Issue 8! We congratulate Patrick Levin and all co-authors!




Johannes Möller Preis for Dr.-Ing. Swantje Pietsch

We congratulate Dr.-Ing. Swantje Pietsch for receiving the Johannes Möller Preis 2020 at the 2021 ProcessNet meeting "Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik“. Dr.-Ing. Swantje Pietsch received the award for her dissertation with the topic „Fluidization behavior and liquid injection in three-dimensional prismatic spouted beds“.

Best poster award at 2021 ProcessNet "Agglomeration und Schüttguttechnik" meeting

won by Paul Kieckhefen for his poster "Towards the Calibration of Coarse-Grained Discrete Element Models (DEM) of Wetted Particle Systems in the Pendular Liquid-Bridging Regime"

Patrick Levin wins poster award at 10th ProcessNet Biotechnology meeting

We congratulate our colleague Patrick Levin for winning a poster award at the 10th ProcessNet-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologien for the poster "Influence of Structure on Freeze Drying Kinetics of Instant Coffee".

Advances in Particulate Spouted Beds - Special Issue of Particuology

The Advances in Particulate Spouted Beds, a special issue of Particuology has been published. The collection reports recent researches on hydrodynamics, modelling/simulation and applications of spouted beds, especially the modified spouted beds for producing high value-added products and novel techniques for measuring coating layer thickness of fine and porous particles. More information can be found on the journals website.

Special issue - Recent Advances in Fluidized Bed Hydrodynamics and Transport Phenomena

Prof. Stefan Heinrich was invited to work as a guest editor on the special issue "Recent Advances in Fluidized Bed Hydrodynamics and Transport Phenomena" of processes, an open-access journal. Submission deadline for this issue is October 31, 2020. More information can be found on the journals website.

Update: Good News: 2019 Impact Factor of Processes MDPI has increased from 1.963 to 2.753 in the recent release of the Journal Citation Reports®. Processes now ranks 59/143 (Q2) in the "Engineering Chemical) "Engineering Chemical" category. For more detailed information, please see:

University Training Course in Fluidization Technology for Industry and Academia

At the 16th conference on fluidization Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Stefan Heinrich was one of the plenary speakers with his presentation about Tailor-Made Particles by Fluidized and Spouted Bed Spray Granulation: Opportunities and Recent Advancements. Further information can be found here

DFG annual report 2019

We are happy to announce that our priority programm "Dynamic Simulation of Solids Processes" is mentioned in the 2019 annual report of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). 

The full report can be found here (see page 33 - 36).

Continuous Pharmaceutical Processing

With the chapter "Continuous Fluidized Bed Drying: Advanced Modeling and Experimental Investigations" Dr.-Ing. Ibrahim Alatar and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Stefan Heinrich contributed to the bookContinuous Pharmaceutical Processing.

Prof. Stefan Heinrich is now member of the judging panel for IChemE’s Geldart Medal

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. h.c. Stefan Heinrich became a member of the judging panel for IChemE’s Geldart Medal. The Geldart Medal was introduced in 2014 to recognise a major contribution to research in the area of particle technology. Derek Geldart was renowned in particular for his diagram classifying powders according to their fluidisation behaviour, and respected member of the worldwide particle technology community. Geldart was Emeritus Professor of Powder Technology at Bradford University in the UK and is remembered as "one of the most prominent professors in the field of fluidisation and powder technology" (Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE)).

Talk by Prof. Berend van Wachem on Euler-Lagrange Coupling Strategies

Prof. Berend van Wachem, head of the chair of mechanical process engineering at the Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, will visit our institute on September 26 & 27. He is an expert in multiphase flow modeling and will give a presentation titled "Consistent Euler-Lagrange approach for particulate flow modelling with arbitrary particle size/mesh resolution ratio". The full abstract can be found here

Doctoral researcher Eugen Diez wins poster award at 9th International Granulation Workshop

We congratulate our dear colleague Eugen Diez for winning a poster award at this years' 9th International Granulation Workshop in Lausanne, Switzerland, from 26th - 28th of June. From over 120 posters Eugen Diez was awarded with 2nd Best Poster Award in The Glatt Best Poster Competition for his poster about the Dynamic behaviour of the spray granulation in continuously operated horizontal fluidised beds.

The International Granulation Workshop, which takes place every two years, is the largest conference in the field of granulation, agglomeration, coating and encapsulation of particulates in the pharmaceutical, chemical, ceramics, biotechnology and food industries.

SPE exhibition stand at POWTECH 2019 was a full success

Plenty of attention was given to our institute stall at POWTECH 2019, featuring the famous popcorn fluidized bed. We presented our research and capabilities to a wide audience of key industry players and performed thorough networking.

Sophia Rothberg wins third place at PARTEC-Powder Technology Poster Award

We congratulate our dear colleague Sophia Rothberg for placing third at the "PARTEC-Powder Technology Poster Award" at the PARTEC 2019 conference, hosted at the Nuremberg Messe. 

Her poster was titled  "Fabrication of highly-filled composites using spouted bed spray coating" and the underlying work was performed in cooperation with Prof. Schneider of TUHH and Prof. Abetz at the University of Hamburg.

Dr.-Ing. Swantje Pietsch wins "Best Presentation Award"

We congratulate our dear colleague Dr.-Ing. Swantje Pietsch for winning the "Best Presentation Award" at the ProcessNet Fachgruppentreffen "Agglomeration und Schüttguttechnik" 2019, hosted at and by the Nestlé Research Center in Lausanne. 

Her talk was titled with "In-line monitoring of coating quality and quantity in a three-dimensional prismatic spouted bed" and the work was performed in cooperation with the Process Engineering and Particle Technology & Pharmaceutical Engineering Research Center in Graz.

Visit by Dr Benjamin Bonfils of the University of Queensland

Dr Benjamin Bonfils, Research Fellow at the  Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) of the University of Queensland, is visiting our institute from the 10th-13th of December, 2018. Benjamin Bonfils works in the filed of mineral processing and comminution circuits. He specialises in rock breakage testing and modelling of comminution processes, and will hold a talk titled

Dynamic (flowsheet) simulation of a milling process in the mineral industry

on the 12th of December 15:00 in our seminary room (K2511).

Dr. Rachel Smith of the University of Sheffield holds a talk on Rate Processes in Particle and Powder Technology

Dr. Rachel Smith of the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Sheffield honored our Institute with a visit on the 21. and 22. of November. She held a talk titled "Rate Processes in Particle and Powder Technology" as part of the SPP1679 seminar. The abstract reads as follows:

Particle and powder processing plays an essential role in a wide range of industries, spanning foods, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, additive manufacturing, specialty chemicals, minerals processing, and many more. Despite the importance of powders in manufacturing, many of the unit operations remain difficult to design and predict, and require extensive experimentation and trial and error for scale up. It is clear that better fundamental understanding is required. 

My research focuses on understanding particle-particle and particle-fluid interactions, using these interactions to develop mechanistic understanding of powder processes, and identifying and quantifying the rate processes that are occurring. In this talk, I will discuss some of my research on the rate processes of three different methods of powder processing: powder coating, granulation, and spherical agglomeration.

Advanced Particle Technology Editorial Board Meeting

The editorial board of Advanced Particle Technology met at the 8th World Congress on Particle Technology in Orlando to discuss future developments and upcoming issues. As a long-time editor, Prof. Stefan Heinrich participated. 

The self-proclaimed aim of Advanced Particle Technology is

"... to meet the demand for an international journal that integrates all aspects of science and technology research on powder and particulate materials. "

Lecture by Prof. Ravendra Singh

Prof. Ravendra Singh of the Particle Systems Lab at Rutgers University will visit our institute and hold a lecture entitled

"Advanced modelling and control of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process"

on the 16.07.2018, 14:00 in Room N009. 

Abstract of the talk

Currently, pharmaceutical industries are going under paradigm shift from traditional batch to novel continuous manufacturing. Such a novel continuous plant has been built at C-SOPS which is being adapted by several pharmaceutical companies. In this work, the continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing (CPM) pilot-plant has been further modernized via utilizing process system engineering methods and tools. Process model, real time monitoring, advanced model predictive control (MPC) system, data management system and material tracing system are critical components of modernized CPM pilot-plant. A validated process model has been developed for in-silico studies and virtual experimentations. A process model plays a very important role to design, evaluate and tune the control system. The developed control system has been then implemented in to the continuous tablet manufacturing pilot-plant for practical demonstration. Moreover, a RTD (residence time distribution) based control system has been developed for automatic real time rejection of tablets which are not complying with regulatory expectations on drug concertation.

Center for Biobased Solutions (CBBS) launched

The Center for Biobased Solution (CBBS) has launched - with SPE as a founding member. 

The center's declared mission is as follows:

The challenges that our society is facing are enormous including climate change, growing population, limited resources, decline of crude oil, energy supply, nutrition, health and mobility. The development of intelligent bioeconomy concepts will play a pivotal role for the future developments, which are based on the more efficient use of the biomass of our planet aiming at the production of new biobased materials, pharmaceuticals, biopolymers and chemicals for various applications. Digitalization will have a great impact on this transformation process as well as advanced training and qualification programmes. The successful transition from crude oil era to bioconomy will be dependent on the efficient conversion of biomass by reliable and stable catalytic processes. Specific adapted technologies of mechanical, chemical and biotechnological nature are needed and interdisciplinary connected. In addition, other disciplines including metagenomics, transcriptomics, logistics and social aspects are essential.

Lecture by Prof. Jitrenda Kumar

Prof. Dr. Jitrenda Kumar of the Indian Institute of Technology will give a lecture titled

Mathematical and Numerical Challenges in Particle Technology

on the 19.06.2018, 13:00 in Building K, room 2511.

Honors for Editorial Excellence by Advanced Powder Technology

The head of our institute, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Stefan Heinrich, was honored by the editorial board of "Advanced Powder Technology" for his contributions to quality and development of the journal. 

"Advanced Powder Technology" aims to integrate all aspects of science and technology research on powder and particulate materials. Prof. Stefan Heinrich serves the journal in the capacity of executive editor.


Novel Concept for Structural Colors Developed

A cooperation of our institute with researchers of the Institute for Optical and Electronic Materials, ITMO University of Saint Petersburg and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht developed a concept for nontoxic, nonbleaching and temperature-resistent pigments. So called photonic glasses feature a disordered arrangement of particles. The researchers were able to precisely tailor the spectral features by combining well-chosen particle geometries with short range ordering.

The work was featured in the renowned journal Nature Scientific Reports:

Shang, G., Maiwald, L., Renner, H., Jalas, D., Dosta, M., Heinrich, S., Petrov, A., Eich, M.:
Photonic glass for high contrast structural color
Scientific Reports, (2018), accepted, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-26119-8

Vorlesung „Feststoffverfahrenstechnik in der chemischen Industrie“

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kleine Jäger, Leiter der Feststoffverfahrenstechnik der BASF, wird am 26.06.2018 und 27.06.2018 die Vorlesung

Feststoffverfahrenstechnik in der chemischen Industrie

halten. Die genauen Uhrzeiten und der Veranstaltungsort werden noch bekannt gegeben. Interessierte Studierende sollen sich bitte über StudIP in die Veranstaltung eintragen.

Visit and lecture by Prof. Stefan Pirker of JKU Linz on April 3rd

Prof. Dr. Stefan Pirker, Head of the Department of Particulate Flow Modelling from the Johannes Kepler-Universität Linz (JKU) will visit our institute on April 3 & 4 2018. 

His research interests are numerical modelling of particulate flows with special emphasis on multi-scale model synthesis. This involves (i) embedded co-simulations and sub-grid models, (ii) hybrid Eulerian and Lagrangian simulations as well as (iii) recurrence models for efficient time extrapolation of full CFD simulations. The outcome of his research group has been disseminated by open-source codes (CFDEMcoupling, LIGGGHTS) and by to date more than 150 publications in scientific journals and refereed conference proceedings.

He will give a lecture titled "Can we bridge between recurrence CFD (rCFD) and process control?" on April 3rd 14:00 in Room H0.09


Recurrence CFD (rCFD) aims at an efficient representation of long-term processes (e.g. heating, chemical conversion) which slowly evolve on highly-dynamic pseudo-periodic flow fields. In such cases classical CFD simulations fail due to excess computational cost associated with the resolution of the governing flow fields.

In the framework of rCFD, short-term full CFD simulation deliver recurrence databases of the governing flow at different operating conditions. Based on statistical reasoning, rCFD then exploits these databases in order to either develop (i) generic flow fields or (ii) generic transport fields, which subsequently serve as basis for the long-term process under consideration. We further present an interpolation methodology for the representation of unsteadily varying operating conditions (i.e. between existing recurrence databases).

In applying rCFD to a set of single-phase and multiphase flows, we experienced a computational speed-up of two (flow based rCFD) to four (transport based rCFD) orders of magnitude. In many cases this dramatic speed-up allows for faster-than- realtime simulations, although we didn’t reduce the resolution of the original full CFD simulation.

Finally, we explore the possibility of incorporating such real-time rCFD simulations into process monitoring and control.

Visit and Lecture by Prof. Ramachandran of Rutgers

Ass.-Prof. Rohit Ramachandran of Rutgers State University of New Jersey will be visiting our institute from 19-29.03.2018. He will hold a guest lecture titled:

Model development, validation, sensing and control of continuous drug product manufacturing processes

on Thursday, 27.03.2018 at 14:00 in room O0.07 (building O).


This seminar will focus the use of advanced mathematical models (e.g. PBM, DEM) in combination with state of the art cyberinfrastructure to quantify and validate the dynamics of continuous drug product manufacturing processes such as wet granulation and milling. The seminar will also focus on the development of novel PAT and control methodologies to optimize such processes. 

Doctoral Student wins "Best Poster Award"

We congratulate our dear colleague Jana Kammerhofer for winning the "Best Poster Award" at the ProcessNet Fachgruppentreffen "Agglomeration und Schüttguttechnik" 2018

The literally award-winning poster presents her latest research into the wetting behavior of food powders. 

Partikeltechnologie? Popcorn!

MINT mit Spaß vermittelt und somit früh das Interesse an Technik und Naturwissenschaften wecken und fördern - das ist seit jeher das Ziel der Kinderforscher an der Technischen Universität Hamburg (TUHH). Nach dem großen Jubiläum im vergangenen Jahr geht in diesen Tagen der elfte Kurs "Experimentieren und Forscher“ zu Ende. Aus diesem Anlass laden die Kinderforscher zur bunten öffentlichen Abschlussfeier am 17. Januar mit Präsentationen aus dem Nachwuchsprogramm sowie spannenden Show- und Mitmachexperimenten.

Kaum eine Berufsgruppe ist hierzulande so gefragt wie Ingenieure, Informatiker, Naturwissenschaftler & Co. „In diesem praxisorientierten Projekt wecken Experimente in den Schulen zunächst die Neugier, bevor die Kinder hautnah miterleben, wie an der TUHH an den gleichen Themen geforscht wird", erklärt Gesine Liese, Leiterin des Projekts Kinderforscher an der TUHH, das Konzept von "Experimentieren und Forscher“.

So lernten etwa Dritt- und Viertklässler der Schule „In der Alten Forst“ kürzlich, was Popcorn mit Partikeltechnologie zu tun hat. Dabei staunten sie nicht schlecht, als sie eine von TUHH-Studenten gebaute Maschine in Aktion sahen, die veranschaulichte, was heiße Luft mit Maiskörner macht. Nun wissen die Nachwuchsforscher: Durch heiße Luftströmung verdampft das im getrockneten Maiskorn enthaltene Wasser, das sich hierbei ausdehnt und aufplatzt. Dadurch werden die Maiskornpartikel deutlich größer und haben gleichzeitig eine geringere Dichte als die verschlossenen Körner.

Insgesamt haben am aktuellen Kurs rund 150 Dritt- und Viertklässler aus drei Bundesländern teilgenommen. Ermöglicht wird dies durch die Unterstützung der Beratungsstelle Besondere Begabungen am Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung Hamburg sowie der Firma MERCK.

Was? Abschlussfeier des elften Kurses "Experimentieren und Forscher“ der Kinderforscher an der TUHH

Wann? Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2018. 17 bis 18 Uhr: Mitmachversuche vor dem Audimax I, 18 bis 19 Uhr: Abschlusspräsentation im Audimax I

Wo? Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH), Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 5, 21073 Hamburg, Gebäude H, Audimax I

Prof. Heinrich Chairman of European Working Party on Agglomeration

Professor Stefan Heinrich, head of the Institute of Solids Process Engineering and Particle Technology at TUHH, was elected chairman of the „European Working Party on Agglomeration“. This is one of 20 working parties in different fields of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE).

More info (in German).

TUHH-Doktorand mit Best Poster-Award ausgezeichnet

Im Rahmen des World Congress of Chemical Engineering WCCE10, der Welttagung der Verfahrenstechnik, ist der Doktorand Eugen Diez der Technischen Universität Hamburg (TUHH) mit dem Best Post Award geehrt worden. Mit seinem Beitrag „Spray granulation in a multi-staged continuous fluidized bed: Influencing the product properties and particle transport in a horizontal fluidized bed“ wurde seine Arbeit aus insgesamt 62 Poster-Beiträgen ausgewählt. Das ausgezeichnete Projekt wird am TUHH-Institut für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie von Prof. Heinrich betreut. 

Wie wird Waschpulver so fein körnig? Wie können Arzneimittel den Wirkstoff noch gezielter freisetzen? Warum funktioniert die Babywindel so gut? Warum verklebt Lebensmittelpulver nicht? Wie kann man den Einsatz von Dünge- und Pflanzenschutzmitteln drastisch reduzieren? Im Projekt wird der Fragestellung nachgegangen wie hochwertige, frei fließende und staubarme körnige Feststoffe mit verbesserten Gebrauchseigenschaften energie- und umweltschonend hergestellt werden können, die im täglichen Leben oder in zahlreichen Industrien Anwendung finden. Zur Lösung dieser Aufgabe wird ein skalenübergreifender Ansatz verfolgt, der experimentelle Untersuchungen mit unterschiedlichen Modellierungsansätzen und einer systemdynamischen Analyse einer kontinuierlichen Wirbelschicht-Sprühgranulation kombiniert.

Die prämierte Arbeit entstand innerhalb des DFG-Schwerpunktprogrammes 1679 im Rahmen gemeinsamer Forschungen mit dem Lehrstuhl für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik (Prof. Tsotsas) sowie dem Lehrstuhl für Automatisierungstechnik / Modellbildung (Prof. Kienle) der Universität Magdeburg.

Der World Congress of Chemical Engineering WCCE10 fand vom 1. bis 5. Oktober 2017 gemeinsam mit dem 11th European Congress of Chemical Engineering und dem 4th European Congress of Applied Biotechnology in Barcelona mit 3400 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern statt. Der Best Poster Award wurde auf der Untertagung PARMAT “Processing, Handling and Characterization of Particulate Materials“ vergeben. (

2 Poster prices for researchers of SPE at the 8th International Granulation Workshop in Sheffield

At this years' 8th International Granulation Workshop in Sheffield, UK, from 28th - 30th of June, two researchers from our Institute received poster awards. From over 120 posters Eduard Eichner was awarded with 1st Best Poster Award for Innovative Application of the Chemical Sciences to Granulation Technology for his poster about Fabrication of copper-polymer composites using the spouted bed granulation process. Monika Goslinska received 3rd Best Poster Award for Most Innovative Research for her contribution: Usage of spouted bed technology to coat aerogel particles.

The International Granulation Workshop, which takes place every two years, is the largest conference in the field of granulation, agglomeration, coating and encapsulation of particulates in the pharmaceutical, chemical, ceramics, biotechnology and food industries.

We congratulate Eduard and Monika for their achievements.

Researcher Swantje Pietsch from TUHH/SPE receives award

At this years' 2nd Nordic Baltic Drying Conference from 7-9 of June, Swantje Pietsch, a researcher from our institute, received the award:

Outstanding contributions to drying by young scientists

for her presentation and work on:

CFD-DEM Simulation of Particle Coating in a Three-Dimensional Prismatic Spouted Bed

We congratulate her for her achievements in this field.

Prof. Stefan Heinrich appointed coordinator for International Conference on Processing, Handling and Characterization of Particulate Materials (PARMAT 2017)

A new conference on particulate materials (PARMAT2017) is organized by eight Working Parties of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) in the frame of the WCCE10-ECCE11-ECAB4, which will be held from 1st to 5th October 2017. This initiative started in ECCE10 aiming to be a meeting point for academia and industry to share the latest scientific progresses and technological advances in fields were particulate materials are involved. More specifically, PARMAT2017 is devoted to all the aspects related to the chemical and mechanical processing, handling and characterization of particulate materials in industry, including hazards and risks that are usually presented during these operations. This International Conference will provide a unique opportunity to integrate academic/scientific research and industry issues and requirements from researchers and industrialists around the world.

Britta Buck (SPE) erhält Preis für besten Vortrag auf ProcessNet Jahrestreffen "Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik"

Frau Britta Buck, Doktorandin des Instituts für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie (Leiter: Prof. Heinrich), hat auf dem Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe "Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik“, das vom 13.02.-14.02. in Bruchsal stattfand, mit dem Beitrag „Comparison of experimental and numerical investigation of wet particle-wall collisions“ den Preis für den besten Vortrag erhalten. Die Auszeichnung fand auch Anklang in der Presse

Wir gratulieren!

ProcessNet ist die deutsche Plattform für Verfahrenstechnik Chemieingenieurwesen und Technische Chemie. Hier treffen sich über 5.000 Mitglieder aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, um Erfahrungen auszutauschen, aktuelle Fragestellungen zu diskutieren und neue wissenschaftliche Trends zu identifizieren. (siehe)

Die Fachgruppe "Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik“ hat sich die Erforschung sowohl der physikalisch-chemischen Grundlagen der Agglomerationstechnik, der Produktgestaltung und -formulierung, des Lagerns, Förderns und Dosierens von dispersen Feststoffen (Schüttgüter, feine Pulver) als auch deren praktische Anwendungen in den Anlagen der stoffwandelnden Industrie zum Ziel gesetzt.

12th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Technology CFB-12

The director of the SPE institute Prof. Heinrich is member of the international advisory board of the CFB-12 conference to be held 23-26 May 2017

Researchers from his institute will hold a total of 6 oral presentations.

Prof. Heinrich appointed new Chairman of the next PARTEC conference in Nuremberg

At his years conference PARTEC 2016 Prof. Stefan Heinrich was elected as new Chairman to organize next PARTEC conference in Nuremberg. See for more information.

Hochkarätige Wissensplattform: Stefan Heinrich zum Chairman der PARTEC 2019 ernannt

Alle drei Jahre betreten die kleinsten Partikel die große Bühne: Bis zum 21. April ludt die PARTEC 2016 zum internationalen Kongress für Partikeltechnologie ins Kongresszentrum der NürnbergMesse. Mit dem aktuellen Forum erfolgreich in vollem Gange haben die Veranstalter Stefan Heinrich, Leiter des Instituts für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie der Technischen Universität Hamburg (TUHH), zum Chairman für die folgende PARTEC 2019 ernannt.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Stefan Heinrich studierte Verfahrenstechnik/Thermischer Maschinenbau an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Seit 2008 ist er Professor und Leiter des Instituts für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie der TUHH. Heinrich ist unter anderem Vorsitzender der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe „Agglomerations- und Schüttguttechnik“ sowie deutscher akademischer Delegierter in der Arbeitsgruppe „Mechanics of Particulate Solids“ der Europäischen Föderation für Chemie-Ingenieur-Wesen (EFCE).

Parallel zu dieser hochkarätigen Wissensplattform PARTEC öffnete auf dem angrenzenden Messegelände auch die POWTECH ihre Türen. Unter den 900 Ausstellern der Leitmesse für mechanische Verfahrenstechnik war auch die TUHH mit einem Stand des Instituts für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie vertreten, der seit Messebeginn auf großes Interesse gestoßen ist.

PARTEC versteht sich als internationales Forum für die Forschung und Entwicklung in der Partikeltechnologie. Alle drei Jahre bringt der englischsprachige Kongress Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure aus der ganzen Welt zusammen. Diskutiert werden Prozesse der Partikelbildung, Messmethoden, Prozesse wie Agglomeration und Beschichtung sowie diverse industrielle Anwendungen für Partikel.

Die POWTECH ist weltweit die Nummer eins für Pulver-, Granulat- und Schüttguttechnologien. Die Messe spiegelt den aktuellen Stand der mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik und Analytik wider. Von der Pharma-, Chemie- und Nahrungsmittelbranche bis zur Glas-, Baustoff- und Papierindustrie suchen neben Projektingenieure und Produktionsleiter auch Schüttgutsachverständige nach Innovationen zum Zerkleinern, Sieben, Mischen, Fördern, Dosieren oder Granulieren.

Maksym Dosta ist Juniorprofessor für Mehrskalensimulation von Feststoffsystemen an der TUHH

Sand, Waschmittel, Tabletten: Pulver sind überall. Mehr als die Hälfte aller Produkte in der chemischen oder pharmazeutischen Industrie werden aus Feststoffpulvern hergestellt. Das erfordert komplizierte Prozesse, die beschrieben und optimieren werden wollen. Dabei spielt die Modellierung eine große Rolle, das Forschungsgebiet von Dr.-Ing. Maksym Dosta. Der 32-Jährige ist seit dem 1. Februar 2016 neuer Juniorprofessur für Mehrskalensimulation von Feststoffsystemen am Institut für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie der Technischen Universität Hamburg (TUHH). Die Juniorprofessur am Exzellenzkolleg der TUHH wurde in Kooperation mit der Firma Glatt Ingenieurtechnik GmbH eingerichtet. Sie ist eine der größten Hersteller von Wirbelschichtanlagen zur Behandlung von Partikeln aus den Bereichen Pharma-, Lebens- und Futtermittel sowie Feinchemie.

Die Herausforderung, die sich den Forschern bei der Prozesssimulation stellt: Sie können zwar die Dynamiken beschreiben, die sich zwischen zwei einzelnen Körnern auf der Mikroskala abspielen. Doch von diesen Körnern und Reaktionen gibt es mitunter Billionen, eine Modellierung des ganzheitlichen Prozesses unter Berücksichtigung jedes einzelnen Partikels ist unmöglich. „Man braucht also eine Art Übergang von der Mikromechanik zur makroskopischen Ebene“, beschreibt Maksym Dosta. Bei Mehrskalensimulationen von Feststoffsystemen handelt sich um eben diese Verbindung.

Dr.-Ing. Maksym Dosta kommt ursprünglich aus der Programmierung. Der gebürtige Ukrainer studierte Rechentechnik an der Technischen Universität in Donezk, bevor er 2006 ans Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme in Magdeburg ging. 2008 wechselte Dosta an die TUHH, um im Bereich der Feststoffverfahrenstechnik promovierte. Wie es nun zu dem Umschwung kam? „Die Modellierung von Feststoffprozessen ist sehr kompliziert, man muss viel mehr Parameter berücksichtigen, als zum Beispiel bei Fluidprozessen. Das hat meinen Ehrgeiz geweckt“, sagt der frisch berufene Juniorprofessor. Dosta freut sich auf die fachübergreifende Zusammenarbeit mit Kolleginnen und Kollegen der TUHH und will am Exzellenzkolleg eine Forschungsgruppe zu seinem Thema aufbauen.

Die Juniorprofessur ist im Rahmen des Exzellenzkollegs angesiedelt. Das in 2014 gegründete Exzellenzkolleg weist ein neues Forschungs- und Finanzierungskonzept auf. In Kooperation mit der Wirtschaft werden sechs neue Juniorprofessuren eingerichtet. Ziel ist es, gemeinsam nachhaltige Innovationen zu schaffen, die Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft in Hamburg gleichermaßen wettbewerbsfähig halten.

Workshop on DEM contact models and the simulation of multiphase flows

A workshop was organized in Magdeburg on the two topics of "DEM contact models" and "CFD-DEM coupling for multiphase flows" from 16th to 18th of March 2016. The workshop was a collaboration of the two priority programs SPP 1486 "PiKo" and SPP 1679 "Dyn-Sim-FP" of the German Research Foundation DFG. The first part of the workshop was covering the contact mechanics of fine particles via CFD-DEM and inlcuded also practical excericse with an Open-Source Software. The second part was dedicated to particle laden flows generally and numerical methods to resolve them with CFD. With over 70 participants of the priority programs and external speakers, the event was very appreciated. (Foto M.Eng. Nils Lichtenberg)

Frontiers in Particle Science and Technology 2016

Prof. Heinrich will participate in this years conference:

Frontiers in Particle Science and Technology 2016: Mitigation & Application of Particle Attrition

in Houston, Texas, during 11th and 13th of April.

Within an invited talk, Prof. Heinrich will talk about the recent advances in the field of particle technology.

Researchers and students on a company visit to SternMaid

Students from the course Fluidization Technology within the Process Engineering visited together with Researchers from the Institute of Solids Process Engineering the fluidized bed and mixing operations of the company "SternMaid" in Wittenburg/Germany. Accompanied by Prof. Heinrich and shown around by Mr. Vernau from SternMaid, the students experienced the application of large scale fluidized bed in the food industry.

DECHEMA-Preis an Stefan Heinrich von der TUHH

Der DECHEMA-Preis 2015 geht an Professor Dr.-Ing. Stefan Heinrich von der Technischen Universität Hamburg (TUHH). Der DECHEMA-Preis ist mit 20.000 Euro dotiert und wird jährlich von der Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. (DECHEMA) für herausragende Forschungsarbeiten, die die Technische Chemie, die Verfahrenstechnik, die Biotechnologie und das Chemische Apparatewesen betreffen, verliehen. Heinrich wird für seine wegweisenden experimentellen und theoretischen Arbeiten zur Formulierung von Partikeln durch Wirbelschichtgranulation ausgezeichnet. Mit diesen Methoden können Partikel mit bestimmten Eigenschaften gezielt hergestellt werden, die in so unterschiedlichen Branchen wie der Pharma- und Lebensmittelindustrie, in der Biotechnologie, Keramik und bei Batteriematerialien zum Einsatz kommen.

Die Prozesse, die sich in der Wirbelschicht abspielen, sind außerordentlich komplex: Partikel stoßen zusammen, es kommt zur Befeuchtung, Trocknung und Filmbildung, Partikel brechen. Um Partikel mit gezielter Zusammensetzung, Schichtaufbau, Größe und Geometrie herzustellen, ist ein sehr gutes Verständnis dieser Prozesse notwendig. Heinrich beschäftigt sich mit der Analyse ebenso wie mit der Simulation der Vorgänge in der Wirbelschicht und hat neue Verfahren entwickelt, die eine gezielte Vorhersage über die Zusammensetzung und den Aufbau von Partikeln erlauben.

Stefan Heinrich, geboren 1971, studierte Verfahrenstechnik/Thermischer Maschinenbau an der Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Nach seiner Habilitation übernahm er dort 2002 eine Juniorprofessur. Seit 2008 ist er Professor und Leiter des Instituts für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie der TUHH. Für seine Arbeiten erhielt er zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, darunter 2004 den VDI-Ehrenring, den Ingenieurpreis 2005 des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt für „Innovative Ingenieurleistungen zur Energieanwendung“, den „Otto – SWM Wirtschaftspreis 2005 für die Entwicklung des Softwareprodukts FBSim und den Forschungspreis des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt für Angewandte Forschung 2006.

Der DECHEMA-Preis gilt als wichtigster Preis der Verfahrenstechnik in Deutschland und ist mit einer Goldmedaille und 20.000 Euro dotiert. Die Preisverleihung findet am 1. Juni 2016 in Frankfurt/Main im DECHEMA-Haus statt.

2 Posterpreise für Forscher des SPE beim International Granulation Workshop

Best Poster-Preis für Dipl.-Ing. Anna Porowska.
Best Poster-Preis für Dipl.-Ing. Anna Porowska. Foto: TUHH

Auf der Fachtagung „7th International Granulation Workshop“, in Sheffield, Großbritannien, sind zwei Doktoranden vom Institut für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie der Technischen Universität Hamburg (TUHH) mit dem Best Poster-Award ausgezeichnet worden. Von 120 Postern belegte M.Sc. Eduard Eichner für seine Arbeit “Fabricating of hierarchically assembled ceramic-polymer composites using a spouted bed spray granulation process” den mit 300 Pfund dotierten ersten Platz und Dipl.-Ing. Anna Porowska für ihren Beitrag “Predicting the surface composition of a spray dried particle by modelling component reorganization in a drying drop” den als “Best Application to Industry” den mit 100 Pfund versehenen dritten Platz.


Best Poster-Preis für M.Sc. Eduard Eichner.
Best Poster-Preis für M.Sc. Eduard Eichner. Foto: TUHH

Der Beitrag von Eduard Eichner entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation mit dem TUHH-Institut für Keramische Hochleistungswerkstoffe, unter der Leitung von Professor Gerold Schneider, innerhalb des SFB 986 “Maßgeschneiderte Keramische Hochleistungswerkstoffe”. Sie widmet sich der Möglichkeit, mittels eines neuartigen Beschichtungsverfahrens in einer Strahlschicht hierarchisch strukturierte Keramik-Polymer-Kompositpartikel bzw. Bauteile herzustellen, die aufgrund ihrer speziellen Struktur eine besondere Festigkeit und Bruchzähigkeit besitzen. Diese speziellen Eigenschaften machen sie für technische Anwendungen interessant.

Anna Porowska hat in einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt mit der Firma Nestlé den komplexen Entstehungs- und Transportprozess der Proteinverkapselung von Partikeln während der Sprühtrocknung analysiert und mit mathematischen Methoden und neuartigen Experimenten zugänglich gemacht. Ihre Ergebnisse werden bereits von Nestlé angewendet und helfen, die Auslegung derartiger Multikomponenten-Prozesse sicherer und besser vorhersagbar zu gestalten.

Der alle 2 Jahre stattfindende “International Granulation Workshop” ist die größte Fachtagung auf dem Gebiet der Granulation, Agglomeration, Beschichtung und Verkapselung von Partikeln und Feststoffen im Bereich der pharmazeutischen, chemischen, keramischen, biotechnologischen und Lebensmittelindustrie.

Scientists X-ray Chocolate

Study shows ways to reduce unwelcome whitish fat bloom

In order to study the migration of fats, the researchers also placed a few drops of sunflower oil on each of their samples and observed what happened. “First of all, wetting takes place within seconds. The oil penetrates very quickly into even the smallest pores, probably through capillary action,” Reinke describes their observations. Secondly, the liquid fat alters the internal structure of the chocolate. “Over a period of hours, the liquid fat dissolves additional crystalline lipid structures, which makes the entire structure of the chocolate softer. This in turn increases the migration of lipids.”

The dynamics of the development of fat bloom have so far been unknown, so that this study adds to the findings of previous experiments on the crystalline structure as one major factor influencing fat bloom. “For the first time, we have been able to track in detail the dynamic mechanisms that lead to the creation of fat bloom,” explains DESY scientist Dr. Stephan Roth, head of the P03 beamline at PETRA III, at which the experiments were conducted. “The method used is known as small-angle X-ray scattering and is precisely adapted to real-time investigations of this kind, and to observing the structural changes caused by the moving lipids. The joint study has supplied important information as to how we can study structural changes in such ‘everyday’ multi-component systems.”

The observations allow the food industry to develop concrete approaches for reducing fat bloom. “One consequence might, for example, be to reduce the porosity of the chocolate during manufacture, so that the fat migrates more slowly,” explains Reinke. “Another approach is to limit the amount of fat that is present in a liquid form by storing the product in cool, but not too cold, conditions. 18 degrees Celsius is ideal.” Chocolate is very sensitive to fluctuations in temperature. “Just a few degrees make a big difference,” Reinke notes. “At 5 degrees, basically, all cocoa butter is solid; and above about 36 degrees everything is liquid.” On top of this, the type of crystals in the chocolate plays an important role. “Cocoa butter crystallises in six different crystal forms,” explains Reinke. “The amount of fluid also depends on the form of the crystals.” Manufacturers can also limit fat bloom by controlling crystallisation.

“The experiments that have been conducted allow us as manufacturers of quality chocolate to draw conclusions concerning the root causes of lipid migration leading to blooming,” points out Palzer. “These findings, which we obtained in collaboration with the Hamburg University of Technology and the team at DESY using the latest analytical technologies, provide a solid foundation for developing suitable methods for avoiding one of the most important quality defects in the food industry.”

Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY is the leading German accelerator centre and one of the leading in the world. DESY is a member of the Helmholtz Association and receives its funding from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) (90 per cent) and the German federal states of Hamburg and Brandenburg (10 per cent). At its locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen near Berlin, DESY develops, builds and operates large particle accelerators, and uses them to investigate the structure of matter. DESY’s combination of photon science and particle physics is unique in Europe.

Tracking structural Changes in Lipid Based Multicomponent Food Materials due to Oil Migration by microfocus Small-Angle X-ray scattering; Svenja K. Reinke, Stephan V. Roth, Gonzalo Santoro, Josélio Vieira, Stefan Heinrich, Stefan Palzer;
"ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces", 2015; DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b02092

Science Contacts
Svenja Reinke
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Tel. +49 40 42878 2765

Dr. Stephan Roth
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Tel. +49 40 8998 2934

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Heinrich
Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg
Tel. +49 40 42 878 3750

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Palzer
Tel. +41 21 924 4176

Exchange PHD student Valentina Lago's article about her stay at the Institute

Exchange PHD student Valentina Lago from the University of Western Ontario/Canada of the research group of Professor Franco Berruti was writing about her research visit at our institute:
To the article

At our institute she was able to gather expertise in the field of CFD/DEM simulations for her research on Pyrolysis of Kraft Lignin. Besides that she was attending our celebration of the graduation of our PHD student Stefan Schnegas.

(On Photo: left Valentina and the members of the Solids Processing Institute.)

Prof. Heinrich in das Kuratorium der Johannes Möller Stiftung berufen

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Stefan Heinrich, Leiter des Instituts für Feststoffverfahrenstechnik und Partikeltechnologie der TUHH, wurde von der Johannes Möller Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Forschung zum 01.01.2015 für zunächst vier Jahre in das Kuratorium der Stiftung berufen.

Die Aufgabe der 1999 gegründeten Möller Stifung besteht in der Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Ingenieurwissenschaften (

Die Stiftung vergibt hierfür jährlich den Johannes-Möller-Preis in Höhe von € 5.000 für eine herausragende Dissertation auf dem Gebiet der Feststoffverfahrenstechnik. Die jährliche Verleihung findet in der Regel im Rahmen des Jahrestreffens der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe „Mehrphasenströmungen“ statt. Das Kuratorium schlägt einen Preisträger aus den eingegangenen Dissertationen vor und erwartet hierfür Hinweise von Universitätsprofessoren und Fachkollegen aus der Industrie auf herausragende Arbeiten.

In der Vergangenheit wurden auch drei Promotionen der TUHH mit dem Möller Preis gewürdigt: Herr Dr. Fries, ehemaliger Mitarbeiter von Prof. Heinrich und Herr Dr. Klutz sowie Herr Dr. Bruhns, ehemalige Doktoranden von Prof. Werther.

Weitere Informationen zum Preis finden Sie unter: