2nd international iMPS meeting - Online Workshop

On September 8th and 9th, the 2nd international iMPS meeting took place online.

After the 1st iMPS meeting in 2016 was successfully held, the 2nd iMPS meeting was scheduled for this year. This meeting is also part of the research project "Entwicklung eines Wirkmodells der Eigenschaften modularer Produktstrukturen zur Bewertung methodischer Ansätze" – WiMo2, funded by the German Research Foundation DFG.

Due to the current situation the 2nd iMPS meeting took place online this year. Together with the host Prof. Krause and his supporting research assistants Lea-Nadine Schwede and Erik Greve, 10 professors, postdocs and research assistants, which themselves mostly do research in the area of modular product families and methods for product development participated in the workshop. On two consecutive days, the topics modular product architectures, their effects and generic method step descriptions to describe modularization methods were discussed in two morning sessions online. By means of an intermediate task, the participants were able to contribute directly to the workshop and lively, interactive discussions were held.

The workshop strengthened international cooperation in research in order to enable a cross-border understanding of the above mentioned topics.

We thank all participants for the discussions and hope to see you soon!