John V. Wehausen
* 23.09.1913 in Duluth, Minnesota, USA; † 06.10.2005
1st Georg Weinblum Memorial Lecture (1978/79)
Ship Theory, Ship Design and Georg Weinblum. Transient Phenomena Observed in Passage over Obstructions | dok.tub
Short Biography
John V. Wehausen received his undergraduate and graduate educations in mathematics and physics at the University of Michigan, receiving a doctorate in mathematics in 1938. He subsequently taught mathematics until 1944 at Brown University, Columbia University and the University of Missouri. Between 1944 and 1956, Professor Wehausen held a variety of positions, including three years at the David Taylor Model Basin, where he first met Georg Weinblum, one year at the Office of Naval Research, and six years as Executive Editor of Mathematical Reviews. Since 1956, he was at the University of California, Berkeley, where he was Professor of Engineering Science and Chairman of the Department of Naval Architecture.
Professor Wehausen made many important contributions to ship hydrodynamics, particularly in the field of wave resistance, where pioneered higher-order theories, the use of Langrangian coordinates, and the effect of initial acceleration.
He was the author of several extended summary articles dealing with free-surface phenomena and wave resistance, which became invaluable reference works. He was the father of modern American education in ship hydrodynamics, bringing to his teaching a concise and rigorous mathematical approach that served as a model to others. Under his leadership, his graduate students made innumerable outstanding advances in the theory and computations of ship motions, wave resistance, manoeuvring and lifting surface theory.
Like Georg Weinblum, Wehausen had a lively interest in the Humanities, particularly music and languages. He died in 2005.
Additional Information
The following additional information on the first Weinblum Memorial Lecture has been made available:
External Links
[–] Wikipedia entry for John V. Wehausen
[The short biography is taken from the invitation letter for the Georg Weinblum Memorial Lecture held by John V. Wehausen. Some slight modifications have been made when deemed necessary.]