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Windheim, M.; Gebhardt, N.; Krause, D.: Towards a Decision-Making Framework for Multi-Criteria Product Modularization in Cooperative Environments. Procedia CIRP, Vol. 70, 2018, pp.380-385.

Windheim, M.; Krause, D.: Opportunity Cost of Modularity: Challenges and Requirements for Balancing the Dilemma of Product Platforms. 27th Design for X Symposium, Jesteburg, 2016, pp. 65-76.

Windheim, M.; Hackl, J.; Gebhardt, N.; Krause, D.: Assessing Impacts of Modular Product Architectures on the Firm: A Case Study. 14th International Design Conference, 2016, Dubrovnik, pp. 1445 - 1454.

Windheim, M.; Greve, E.; Krause, D.: Decisive Econmies and Opportunity Cost of Modular Product Structure Alternatives: An Empirical Case Study. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management, 10. - 13. Dezember 2017, Singapur.