Spyros A. Kinnas

The University of Texas at Austin, USA

42nd Georg Weinblum Memorial Lecture (2019/20)

Prediction of Performance and Design of Marine Propulsors and Turbines

Short Biography

Spyros A. Kinnas is the Hudson-Matlock Professor of Civil Engineering and the Associate Director of the Offshore Technology Research Center at the University of Texas at Austin. He also heads the Ocean Engineering Graduate program at UT Austin. He holds a PhD from the Department of Ocean Engineering at MIT, and a Diploma from the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Prior to UT Austin, he was a Principal Research Engineer and a Lecturer with the Department of Ocean Engineering at MIT.

Prof. Kinnas specializes in the area of computational hydrodynamics with applications on the design of high speed propulsors and control surfaces for ships, as well as on the design of ocean current turbines. He is a member of the Scientific Committees of the International Symposia on Cavitation, the International Symposia on Marine Propulsors, a SNAME Fellow, and a member of the Editorial Committees/Boards of the Journal of Ship Research, the Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, the International Journal of Ocean Systems Engineering, and the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.

Additional Documents

External Links

[–] Spyros A. Kinnas at The University of Texas at Austin

Last update: October 2019