Michel Visonneau

Nantes, Frances

30th Georg Weinblum Memorial Lecture (2007/08)

Recent Developments and Perspectives of Computational Fluid Dynamics for Hydrodynamic Applications

Short Biography

Michel Visonneau, born in 1957, received in 1980 an Engineer's diploma and the diploma of Advanced Naval Architecture in 1981 from Centrale Nantes, France. In 1985, he defended his PhD in Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer at Centrale Nantes/University of Nantes under the supervision of Prof. Jean Piquet. He joined the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) as Research Associate in 1985 as full-time researcher in charge of the development of Computational Fluid Dynamics for marine applications. He was the head of the CFD department of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory (Centrale Nantes) from 1995 to 2012.

He is now Research Director at CNRS since 2006 and give lectures in several academic institutions like Centrale Nantes, the University of Nantes, the Aalto University of Helsinki and the Lebanese University. He has supervised 23 PhD thesis and is currently supervising 7 PhD thesis dealing with various topics like shape optimization, fluid-structure interaction, high-order accuracy on unstructured grids, hybrid RANSE-LES and laminar-to-turbulence transition modelling.

Michel Visonneau is the author of 79 publications in archival scientific journals, 194 publications in conference proceedings with editorial committee and gave 66 invited conferences. In 2006, he built a partnership with NUMECA Int. which lead to the creation of FINETM/Marine, a software worldwide leader in CFD for Marine Engineering and is in charge of the scientific development of this software.

Since 2009, he is involved in many collaborative Advanced Vehicle Technology (AVT) research projects under the umbrella of the NATO's Research and Technology Organization (RTO). Michel Visonneau is a member of the Steering Committee of the International Workshop on CFD in Ship Hydrodynamics representing Europe since 2005 and a permanent member of the scientific committee of ECCOMAS/Marine. He is also a permanent member of the SNH-ONR Paper Selection Committee representing Europe since 2017.

He was awarded the 2nd Cray prize for CFD in 1991 and 30th Georg Weinblum Memorial Lecture in 2007.

Additional Documents

[–] Presentation given by Michel Visonneau

Last update: February 2018