Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Dohrn
- Applied Thermodynamics: Thermophysical Properties for Industrial Applications (winter term)
- M. Brockelt, L. Deibele, M. Dietrich, M. Hadley, J. Leu, G. Naberfeld, R. Dohrn,
Method for stripping polymer polyols, 2007, [EP20070011537]. 2007. - M. Brahm, K. Danielmeier, R. Dohrn, U. Denninger, G. Brunner, A. Bezold,
Process for reducing the chlorine content of low molecular weight isocyanates, 2001, [US2002052466(A1) DE10037772(A1)]. 2001. 30-7-2001 - R. Dohrn, C. Braden,
Chemischer Reaktor mit motorlosem Rührwerk, 1997, [EP 0 801 977 B1, DE 19615117], European, Germany - R. Leiberich, R. Dohrn, M. Hoch, H. Waldmann, H. Gasche, H. Greve,
Process for the preparation of copolymers of ethylene and polar comonomers, 1997, [EP19970107047, 19618833; 0 806 438 A2] - R. Leiberich, R. Dohrn, H. Waldmann, H. Alberts,
Verfahren zur Herstellung von a-Methylstyrol-Acrylnitril-Copolymeren, 1996, [DE 19618832]
Posters and presentations
- S. Peper, R. Dohrn, K. Konejung
Prediction of Flash Point, Auto Ignition Temperature and Initial Normal Point of Polyurethane Raw Material Mixtures
28th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Athens, Greece, 2015 - R. Dohrn, J. Fonseca, G. Olf, S. Peper
Industrial Applications of Thermodynamics – Examples from Process and Product Design
28th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Athens, Greece, 2015 - T. König, R. Dohrn
Physikalische Grenzen beim Entfernen von flüchtigen Bestandteilen aus Polymeren
VDI-Expertenforum Geruchsminimierung bei der Granulatherstellung, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany, 2014 - J. Fonseca, R. L., C. Diedrich, R. Dohrn
Vapor pressures of benzoic acid from 10-3 Pa to 105 Pa using different methods. Apparatuses and analysis
27th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Porto, Portugal, 2014 - J. Fonseca, B. Libório, S. Peper, G. Olf, R. Dohrn
A new apparatus for the determination of high-pressure phase equilibria through different synthetic methods
27th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2014 - R. Dohrn, J. Fonseca, S. Peper
Recent Developments and Trends in Experimental Methods Used for Phase Equilibria at High Pressures
6th International Symposium on High Pressure Processes Technology, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013 - J. Fonseca, A. Wolf, R. Dohrn
High-Pressure Solubility of Gases in Polymers Derived From CO2
6th International Symposium on High Pressure Processes Technology, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013 - S. Peper, R. Dohrn
Sampling from High-Pressure Fluid Mixtures - Case Study and Recommendations
6th International Symposium on High Pressure Processes Technology, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013 - S. Peper, R. Dohrn
Probenahme aus fluiden Systemen bei hohen Drücken: Übersicht, Fallstudie und Bewertung
Jahrestreffen ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Berlin, Germany, 2013 - S. Peper, R. Dohrn
Sampling from fluid mixtures under high pressure: Review, case study and evaluation
26th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Potsdam, Germany, 2012 - M. Grilc, J. Golob, R. Dohrn, S. Peper, L. Žilnik
Izgradnja visokotlaène ravnotežne celice in meritve faznega ravnotežja CO2+ n-dekan z razliènimi eksperimentalnimi metodami
Slovenski kemijski dnevi - Slovenian Chemical Days, Portoroz, Slovenia, 2012 - J. Fonseca, R. Dohrn, A. Wolf, R. Bachmann
The solubility of carbon dioxide and propylene oxide in polymers derived from carbon dioxide
Jahrestreffen ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik, Hamburg, Germany, 2012 - J. Fonseca, S. Peper, G. Olf, R. Dohrn
Precise measurement of very low vapor pressures, for fewer animal testing and better process design
Bayer Science Day 2012, Köln, Germany, 2012 - J. Fonseca, R. Dohrn, A. Wolf, R. Bachmann
The solubility of CO2 and propylene oxide in polymers derived from CO2
26th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Potsdam, Germany, 2012 - J. Fonseca, S. Peper, G. Olf, R. Dohrn
Precise measurement of very low vapor pressures: Fewer animal testing and improved process design
26th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Potsdam, Germany, 2012 - J. Hemptinne, E. Hendriks, R. Dohrn, I. Economou, L. Žilnik, G. Kontogeorgis, V. Vesovic
Besoins industriels en propriétés thermodynamique et de transport
XIIIème Congrès Français de Génie des Procédés, Lille, France, 2011 - S. Peper, V. Haverkamp, R. Dohrn
Messung von Hochdruck-Phasengleichgewichten der Systeme CO2 + Styrol und CO2 + Vinylacetat mit verschiedenen experimentellen Methoden
ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochdruck-Verfahrenstechnik (Jahrestreffen), Maribor, Slowenien, 2011 - G. Kontogeorgis, E. Hendriks, R. Dohrn, J. Hemptinne, I. Economou, L. Žilnik, V. Vesovic
Industrial Requirements for Thermodynamics and Transport Properties - Before and Now
25th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2011 - R. Dohrn, V. Haverkamp, S. Peper
High-Pressure Phase Equilibria of CO2 + Styrene and CO2 + Vinyl Acetate. Use of Different Experimental Methods.
25th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, St. Petersburg, Russland, 2011 - J. Fonseca, R. Dohrn
Messung von Dampf- und Sublimationsdrücken sehr schwerflüchtiger Stoffe mit 2 neuen UHV-Apparaturen
VDI-GEU-Expertenforum Thermodynamik-Kolloquium und ProcessNet-Fachauschüsse Thermodynamik und Ingenieurdaten (Jahrestreffen), Frankfurt, Germany, 2011 - R. Dohrn, J. Fonseca, S. Peper
Experimental Methods for Phase Equilibria at High Pressures
Thermodynamics, Athen, Griechenland, 2011 - L. Žilnik, E. Hendriks, G. Kontogeorgis, R. Dohrn, J. Hemptinne, I. Economou, V. Vesovic
Pregled industrijskih potreb po termodinamskih in transportnih lastnostih v Evropi in širše
Slovenski kemijski dnevi - Slovenian Chemical Days, Maribor, Slovenia, 2010 - R. Dohrn, J. Fonseca, S. Peper
High-Pressure Phase Equilibria: Experimental Methods and Systems Investigated 2000 - 2008
Unifac Consortium Meeting, Oldenburg, Germany, 2010 - J. Hemptinne, E. Hendriks, G. Kontogeorgis, R. Dohrn, I. Economou, L. Žilnik, V. Vesovic
Industrial Requirements for Thermodynamics and Transport Properties
7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering ECCE-7, Prague, Czech Republic, 2010 - S. Peper, V. Haverkamp, R. Dohrn
Hochdruck-Phasengleichgewichte von CO2 + Styrol und CO2 + Vinylacetat. Anwendung verschiedener experimenteller Methoden
VDI-GEU-Expertenforum Thermodynamik-Kolloquium und ProcessNet-Fachauschüsse Thermodynamik und Ingenieurdaten (Jahrestreffen), Bayreuth, Germany, 2010 - R. Dohrn, E. Hendriks, G. Kontogeorgis, J. Hemptinne, I. Economou, L. Žilnik, V. Vesovic
Bedarf der Industrie an Thermodynamik und Transporteigenschaften - Eine Studie der EFCE
VDI-GEU-Expertenforum Thermodynamik-Kolloquium und ProcessNet-Fachauschüsse Thermodynamik und Ingenieurdaten (Jahrestreffen), Bayreuth, Germany, 2010 - R. Dohrn, S. Peper, J. Fonseca
Hochdruck Phasengleichgewichte: Experimentelle Methoden und untersuchte Systeme 2000 - 2008
ProcessNet-Fachausschüsse Hochdruck-Verfahrenstechnik und Fluidverfahrenstechnik (Jahrestreffen), Fulda, Germany, 2010 - R. Dohrn, S. Peper, J. Fonseca
High-Pressure Fluid-Phase Equilibria: Experimental Methods and Systems Investigated (2000-2004)
24th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 2009 - L. Dias, R. Dohrn, S. Alves, B. Bode
Thermal Conductivity of PDMS + n-alkane liquid solutions
Encontro de Termodinámica, Lisboa, Portugal, 2009 - A. Bünz, R. Dohrn
The Effect of Polar Co-solvents on the Solubility of Glucose from Aqueous Solutions in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
2nd Beijing International Symposium on Thermodynamics in Chemical Engineering and Industry, Beijing, China, 2009 - S. Peper, R. Dohrn, J. Fonseca
Hochdruck-Phasengleichgewichte: Experimentelle Methoden und untersuchte Systeme
VDI-GEU-Expertenforum Thermodynamik-Kolloquium und ProcessNet-Fachauschüsse Thermodynamik und Ingenieurdaten (Jahrestreffen), Berlin, Germany, 2009 - P. Ahlström, K. Aim, R. Dohrn, J. Elliot, G. Jackson, J. Jaubert, M. Macedo, J. Pokki, K. Reczey, A. Victorov, L. Žilnik, I. Economou
A Survey of Thermodynamics and Transport Properties in Chemical Engineering Education in Europe and the USA
Centennial AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, 2008 - A. Caço, R. Dohrn, I. Marrucho
Lipophilicity of Fluoroquinolones: The influence of counter-ions
23rd European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Cannes, France, 2008 - V. Gomes, J. Machado, R. Dohrn, I. Marrucho
Ciprofloxacin encapsulation with Poly(lactic acid)
IIª Reunião Ibérica de Coloides e Interfaces, , 2007 - M. Kleiber, R. Dohrn
Thermodynamik und Prozessindustrie: 1 ½ oder 2 Welten?
VDI-GVC Fachausschuss „Thermodynamik" and VDI-GET "Thermodynamikkolloquium", Rostock, Germany, 2007 - O. Behrend, R. Dohrn
Sub-µ powder formulations by advanced melt dispersion
2nd Global Symposium on Formulation Technology for Life Science, Leverkusen, Germany, 2007 - R. Dohrn
Influence Of Thermophysical Properties On Reaction And Process Design
3rd Symposium New Methods for Sustainability in Catalysis and Technique, Rostock, Germany, 2007 - R. Dohrn, J. Fonseca, R. Albers, J. Kušan-Bindels, I. Marrucho
Thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam cell gases: improved transient hot wire cell – data of isopentane + n-pentane mixtures – extended Wassiljewa model
11th International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Hersonissos, Greece, 2007 - E. Bertakis, E. Voutsas, D. Tassios, O. Behrend, R. Dohrn
High-Pressure Solid-Liquid-Vapor Equilibria for the Micronization of Thermo-Labile Substances
3rd International Meeting on High Pressure Chemical Engineering, Erlangen, Germany, 2006 - R. Dohrn, O. Pfohl
Entfernen von Flüchtigen aus Polymeren: Physikalische Grenzen
VDI-Kunststoffe Fachtagung Aufbereitungstechnik, Köln, Germany, 2006 - E. Bertakis, I. Lemonis, S. Katsoufis, E. Voutsas, R. Dohrn, K. Magoulas, D. Tassios
Measurement and Thermodynamic Modelling of Solid-Liquid-Gas Equilibria of Organic Solutes in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
22nd European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Helsingör, Denmark, 2006 - O. Behrend, R. Bellinghausen, R. Dohrn, L. Obendorf
Submicron amorphous powder formulations by advanced melt dispersion with supercritical fluids
Achema 2006, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2006 - R. Dohrn
Thermodynamic Aspects for Polyurethanes
Poliuretanos - aspectos fundamentais e processos de fabrico, Aveiro, Portugal, 2005 - R. Dohrn, E. Bertakis, O. Behrend, E. Voutsas, D. Tassios
Melting point depression by using supercritical CO2 for a novel melt dispersion micronization process
29th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Portorož, Slovenia, 2005 - R. Dohrn, R. Leiberich
Influence Of Phase Equilibria On Reaction And Process Design In The Polymer And Chemical Industry
29th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Portorož, Slovenia, 2005 - M. Melo, F. Varanda, R. Dohrn, I. Marrucho
Solubility of Ciprofloxacin and Moxifloxacin in Different Solvents: The Effect of the HCl Group
2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering - ENPROMER, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2005 - M. Melo, F. Varanda, R. Dohrn, I. Marrucho
Solubilities of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride and of Ciprofloxain Base in Different Solvents
21th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Jurata, Poland, 2005 - M. Melo, F. Makrydaki, R. Dohrn, E. Voutsas, D. Tassios, I. Marrucho
Solubilities of Tetracyline, Ciprofloxacin, and Moxifloxacin in Different Solvents
11th International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena, Aveiro, Portugal, 2004 - R. Dohrn, R. Leiberich
On the Importance of Solubilities and Phase Equilibria for Reaction and Process Design - Examples from Industry
11th International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena, Aveiro, Portugal, 2004 - O. Pfohl, G. Olf, R. Dohrn
Phase Equilibria of polymer-solvent systems
11th International Symposium on Solubility Phenomena, Aveiro, Portugal, 2004 - G. Olf, F. Alsmeyer, W. Marquardt, O. Pfohl, R. Dohrn
A new method for phase equilibrium mesaurements in reacting mixtures
20th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Lahnstein, Germany, 2003 - O. Pfohl, G. Olf, R. Dohrn
Measurement of Phase Equilibria with Polymers
20th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Lahnstein, Germany, 2003 - M. Melo, A. Caço, I. Marrucho, R. Dohrn
Solubilities of antibiotics in water, ethanol, 2-propanol, acetone and ethyl acetate
20th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Lahnstein, Germany, 2003 - R. Dohrn, O. Pfohl, G. Olf
Specific experimental techniques for particular industrial needs of thermophysical properties
20th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics, Lahnstein, Germany, 2003 - L. Dias, R. Dohrn
Thermodynamics and Thermophysical Data as a key for competitiveness
Encontro de Termodinámica, Lisboa, Portugal, 2003 - R. Dohrn
Moderne Methoden der Stoffdatenermittlung
Achema 2003, Frankfurt/Main, Germany, 2003 - R. Dohrn
Thermophysikalische Stoffdaten von Polymersystemen
VDI-Kunststoffe Fachtagung Aufbereitungstechnik, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2002 - R. Dohrn, K. Lorenz, F. Santos, I. Marrucho
Thermal Conductivity of binary Gas Mixtures containing Nitrogen, Cyclopentane, HFC134a and HFC365mfc
19th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Santorini, Greece, 2002 - O. Pfohl, R. Dohrn
Provision of Thermodynamic Properties of Polymer Systems for Industrial Applications
17th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Rostock, Germany, 2002 - O. Pfohl, R. Dohrn
Die Verwendung von Zustandsgleichungen bei der experimentellen Bestimmung und Modellierung verschiedener Gemischeigenschaften im System n-Pentan + Polydimethylsiloxan
VDI-GET-Thermodynamik-Kolloquium und VDI-GVC-Fachausschuss Thermodynamik (Jahrestreffen), Würzburg, Germany, 2001 - R. Dohrn, O. Pfohl
Thermophysical Properties – Industrial Directions
9th International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Kurashiki, Japan, 2001 - R. Dohrn, T. Heinemann, I. Marrucho, N. Oliveira
Vapor-Phase Thermal Conductivity of Cyclopentane, CO2, HFC134a, HFC365mfc and Some Binary Mixtures
18th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Kutna Hora, Czech Republik, 2000 - R. Dohrn, G. Olf
Zur Bedeutung von Stoffdaten und Thermodynamik bei der Auslegung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse
VDI-GET-Thermodynamik-Kolloquium und VDI-GVC-Fachausschuss Thermodynamik (Jahrestreffen), Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999 - R. Dohrn, O. Pfohl
Thermophysical Properties for Chemical Process Design
17th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Vilamoura, Portugal, 1999 - R. Dohrn, T. Heinemann, P. Gansen
Thermal Conductivity of Gas Mixtures: isopentane + cyclopentane, carbon dioxide + cyclopentane, carbon dioxide + isopentane and R141b + R22
17th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Vilamoura, Portugal, 1999 - T. Heinemann, W. Klaen, R. Yourd, R. Dohrn
Experimental Determination of the Vapor-Phase Thermal Conductivity of Blowing Agents of Polyurethane Rigid Foams
Polyurethane Expo ´98, Dallas, USA, 1998 - O. Pfohl, S. Petkov, R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
High-Pressure Fluid-Phase Equilibria Containing Supercritical Fluids
8th International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 1998 - R. Dohrn, R. Treckmann, G. Heilig
Vapor-Phase Thermal Conductivity of trichlorofluoromethane, 1,1,1,4,4,4-hexafluoro-butane, 1,1,2,2,3-pentafluorpropane, carbon dioxide, isobutane, cyclopentane, and npentane
8th International Conference on Properties and Phase Equilibria for Product and Process Design, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 1998 - R. Dohrn
Eine Hochdruckapparatur zum Messen von Phasengleichgewichten mit verschiedenen Methoden
VDI-GVC-Fachausschüsse "Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik" und "Thermische Zerlegung" (Jahrestreffen), Garching, Germany, 1998 - R. Dohrn, V. Haverkamp
Measurement of Phase Equilibria in Systems Containing CO2, Styrene and a Monomer Using different Experimental Methods
4th International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Sendai, Japan, 1997 - R. Dohrn
Vapor-Phase Thermal Conductivity of Blowing Agents for Polyurethane Foams
17th World Appliance Meeting, Nümbrecht, Germany, 1997 - R. Dohrn, R. Treckmann, G. Olf
A Centralized Thermophysical-Property Service in the Chemical Industry
Distillation & Absorption ´97, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 1997 - O. Pfohl, R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
Partitioning of Carbohydrates in the Three-Phase-Region of Systems Containing Carbon Dioxide, Water and a Modifier
3rd International Symposium on High-Pressure Chemical Engineering, Zürich, Switzerland, 1996 - O. Pfohl, T. Giese, R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
Suitabilities of Equations of State to Model Gas-Extraction Processes
15th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Runcorn, United Kingdom, 1996 - R. Dohrn
Berechnung von Phasengleichgewichten mit Zustandsgleichungen
Dechema Jahrestagung 1995, Wiesbaden, Germany, 1995 - A. Bünz, R. Dohrn
Measurement and Calculation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria in Systems Containing Carbohydrates, Water, CO2 and an Entrainer
3rd International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Strasbourg, France, 1994 - R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
An Estimation Method to Calculate Tb, Tc, Pc, and w from the Liquid Molar Volume and the Vapor Pressure
3rd International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Strasbourg, France, 1994 - R. Dohrn
Supercritical-Fluid Extraction: New Developments
I.Encontro Sobre Extraçãco Supercrítica de Produtos Naturais, Campinas, Brasil, 1994 - R. Dohrn, G. Brunner, J. Teich, A. Bünz
Calculation of Phase Equilibria in Systems of Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Water and Hydrocarbons
2nd Beijing International Symposium on Thermodynamics in Chemical Engineering and Industry, Beijing, China, 1994 - A. Bünz, R. Dohrn
Eine Methode zur Messung von Phasengleichgewichten bei sehr geringen Löslichkeiten in der Gasphase
VDI-GVC-Fachausschuss "Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik" (Jahrestreffen), Regensburg, Germany, 1994 - R. Dohrn, A. Bünz
Phase Equilibria of Quaternary Systems Containing Glucose, Water, CO2 and an Alcohol
AIChE Annual Meeting, St.Louis, USA, 1993 - R. Dohrn, A. Bünz
Dampf-Flüssig-Gleichgewichte in ternären und quaternären Systemen aus Glucose, Wasser, Isopropanol und Kohlendioxid
VDI-GET-Thermodynamik-Kolloquium und VDI-GVC-Fachausschuss Thermodynamik (Jahrestreffen), Heidelberg, Germany, 1993 - R. Dohrn
Supercritical-Fluid Extraction - Fundamentals
II.Seminário internacional sobre extração de produtos naturais com gas supercrítico, Belém do Pará, Brasil, 1992 - R. Dohrn, A. Bünz, F. Devlieghere, D. Thelen
Experimental Measurements of Phase Equilibria for Ternary and Quaternary Systems of Glucose, Water, CO2 and Ethanol with a Novel Apparatus
6th International Conference on Fluid Properties and Phase Equilibria for Chemical Process Design, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, 1992 - G. Brunner, A. Steffen, R. Dohrn
High Pressure Liquid-Liquid Equilibria in Ternary Systems Containing Water, Benzene, Toluene, n-Hexane and n-Hexadecane
6th International Conference on Fluid Properties and Phase Equilibria for Chemical Process Design, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, 1992 - R. Dohrn
Bestimmung von Reinstoffparametern einfacher Zustandsgleichungen aus der Siedetemperatur und der Flüssigkeitsdichte bei 20oC
VDI-GET-Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Erlangen, Germany, 1991 - R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
Correlations for Pure-Component Parameters of the Peng-Robinson Equation of State
2nd International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Boston, USA, 1991 - R. Dohrn
Empirical Correlations for Pure-Component EOS Parameters
12th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, , 1991 - A. Bünz, R. Dohrn, J. Prausnitz
Berechnung von Phasengleichgewichten in Systemen aus Wasserstoff, Wasser und Kohlenwasserstoffen mit einem Dreiphasenflash-Algorithmus
VDI-GVC-Fachausschuss "Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik" (Jahrestreffen), Siegen, Germany, 1991 - R. Dohrn, J. Prausnitz
Calculation of Phase Equilibria with a Perturbed Carnahan-Starling Equation of State
10th European Seminar on Applied Thermodynamics, Rungstedt, Denmark, 1990 - R. Dohrn, J. Prausnitz
Calculation of High-Pressure Phase Equilibria in Systems Containing Hydrogen, Water and Hydrocarbons
2nd International Symposium "High Pressure Chemical Engineering", Erlangen, Germany, 1990 - R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
Phase Equilibria of Hydrogen-Hydrocarbon-Water Systems at Elevated Pressures
International Symposium on Supercritical Fluids, Nice, France, 1988 - R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
Empiriral Correlations for Pure-Component Parameters of the Peng-Robinson Equation of State
6th International Conference on Mixtures of Non-electrolytes and Intermolecular Interactions, Merseburg, East Germany, 1988 - R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
Programmsystem zur Berechnung von Hochdruckphasengleichgewichten, Anwendung auf Stoffe mit unbekannten kritischen Daten
Merseburger Technologische Tage '88, Merseburg, East Germany, 1988 - G. Brunner, R. Dohrn
Abscheidung von Kohlenwasserstoffen aus wasserdampfhaltigen Gasgemischen bei höheren Temperaturen und Drücken
VDI-GET-Thermodynamik-Kolloquium, Bad Kissingen, Germany, 1987 - G. Brunner, R. Dohrn
Separation of Acetic Acid and Glycerol from Aqueous Solutions
International Solvent Extraction Conference, München, Germany, 1986 - R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
Phase equilibria in ternary and quaternary systems of hydrogen, water and hydrocarbons at elevated temperatures and pressures
4th International Conference on Fluid Properties and Phase Equilibria for Chemical Process Design, Helsingör, Denmark, 1986 - R. Dohrn, G. Brunner
Phasengleichgewichte in Mehrkomponentensystemen aus Wasserstoff, Wasser und Kohlenwasserstoffen bei erhöhten Temperaturen und Drücken
VDI-GVC-Fachausschüsse "Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik" und "Thermische Zerlegung" (Jahrestreffen), Erlangen, Germany, 1986