7th International Seminar on Aerogels

Hamburg, Germany
18.-20. September 2024
Important Links

We are very proud and happy to welcome Prof. Ioannis Michaloudis at our International Seminar on Aerogels 2024 in Hamburg. Prof. Michaloudis is a visual artist, researcher and academic, internationally acknowledged as a leader in Art&Science, and the first researcher worldwide to apply the ethereal nanomaterial silica aerogel in visual arts and design. Prof. Michaloudis will present his fantastic and inspiring artworks during our Seminar! We are very much looking forward to welcoming him to the exciting event!
During the conference, we will offer you the possibilty to visit our labs at the end of the Conference: 20th September, 15:30 (after closing) (Click here to participate).
Additionally, we would like to offer the possibility for a Get-Together Meeting (self-pay event) on the 17th September, at 18:00 in the restaurant "Café - Oktober" (Schloßmühlendamm 23, 21073 Hamburg).
The english menu for the Get-Together can be found here.
Conference Scope

The aerogel community invites scientists, engineers, students, and industrial partners working with or interested in learning about aerogels to the premiere international conference on the subject. Our next 7th International Seminar on Aerogels will take place physically in Hamburg in September 2024. We welcome contributions on any and all topics related to aerogels including synthesis, characterization, and applications in various fields. Our growing community is eager to host contributions from all fields and from all over the world.
Our conference will be in conjunction with the COST event "4th International Conference on Aerogels for Biomedical and Environmental Applications", where we will have dedicated sessions.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Hamburg!
Wednesday, 18th of September 2024
- Start of registration: 7:45 a.m.
- Start of conference and oral presentations: 8:30 a.m.
- Poster session: 5:40 - 7:00 p.m.
- Conference dinner: 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Thursday, 19th of September 2024
- Start of oral presentations: 8:30 a.m.
- Poster session: 5:50 - 7:00 p.m.
Friday, 20th of September 2024
- Start of oral presentations: 8:30 a.m.
- Poster prizes: 3:10 p.m.
- End of conference: 3:30 p.m.
Full program is now available here.
Abstract submission for oral and poster presentations is already closed.
You can still access the registration form and abstract overview here.
If you have been selected for a poster, please prepare a printed DIN A0 poster with your results to be shown in the poster sessions (foyer of building A). In addition, you have the opportunity to prepare a speed talk of 90s with one slide (16:9) to advertise your poster in a speed talk session.
Registration Fees
Full: 350 €
Students: 300 €
Payment details:
Association ISASF
Batiment Ineed
1 Rue Marc Seguin 26300 Alixan
IBAN: FR76 1470 7000 2002 0190 8182 327
Code Banque: 14707
Code Guichet: 00020
N° du compte: 02019081823
Clé RIB: 27
For bank transfers, please specify the following information:
Aerogel 2024
Name of the participant(s)
Name of the company or university
Credit card payments can be made via the following link:
Hamburg Universtiy of Technology (Hamburg, Germany)
Campus Map

Several accomodation options are available within walking distance from the conference location:
Altstadthotel Harburg
Panorama Hotel
Hotel Harburger Hof
Apartment Hotel am Sand
B&B Hotel Hamburg-Harburg
Conference Chair
Prof. Irina Smirnova
(Hamburg University of Technology – Harburg, Germany)
e-mail : irina.smirnova(at)tuhh(dot)de
8th International Summer School on Aerogels
Next week after the Seminar on Aerogels in Hamburg, the 8th International Summer School on Aerogels will take place in Cologne, Germany, on September 23 - 27th, 2024.
There are several reasons why you should join: you will get an insight into the science behind aerogel’s synthesis and their material properties.
- you will obtain hands on experience in numerical modelling, synthesis and characterization of aerogels.
- you will also learn about use-cases, projects and application in different domains.
- finally, there will be an opportunity to get in deeper discussion with the experts and subject matter experts from the industry and academia as well as with the entrepreneurship.
For more information: https://issa2024.welcome-manager.de/
6th International Seminar on Aerogels
Our conference proceedings from the "6th International Seminar on Aerogels" are now here! You can find them under the following link:
Contact Details
Conference Organization: Prof. Irina Smirnova
(Hamburg University of Technology – Harburg, Germany)
e-mail : aerogelconference@tuhh.de
Phone: +49-40-42878-3040
Fax: +49-40-42878-4072
For registration and payment
e-mail: contact@isasf.net
Former website: https://www.aerogel.org/community/seminar_2022/