Institute of Thermal Separation Processes

Dear visitor,
Welcome to the homepage of the Institute of Thermal Separation Processes at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).
This web site will provide you a brief overview of our research and education activities involving the research fields of Integrated Biotechnology and Process Engineering as well as Energy and Environmental Engineering. It also introduces our facilities, infrastructure and informs about our collaborations with numerous research groups, industrial partners, and federal institutions, in order to meet our challenges and achieve our goals.
Since the institute was founded in 1982 by Prof. Brunner, high pressure engineering has a long academic tradition in our institute. Our research topics include experimental and theoretical works concerning high-pressure engineering, supercritical fluids, accompanied by the thermodynamics of biological relevant systems and downstream processes. We investigate the production proceses of nano- and mesoporous materials (aerogels) in lab and pilot scale, including sol-gel process, coating and impregnation with active ingredients, providing the aerogels with exceptional properties for a variety of applications. Another area of research is the study of a selective fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass by liquid hot water hydrolysis (LHW), enzymatic biomass degradation and supercritical CO2 extraction. We also develop molecular methods for the design and optimization of separation processes based on micellar systems, especially for life science.
On behalf of all members of our institute, I would like to invite you to explore our research projects and get in contact with us if you are interested.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Irina Smirnova