Research for the use of plant biomass
The limited availability of fossil raw materials and the increasing energy demand require a more intensive use of the great potentials of biomass in the future. In this context, especially linked conversion pathways for the energetic and substantial utilization of biomass, a so-called cascaded utilization, are a promising approach.
Even plant residues and waste materials can be used for the production of energy and raw materials in integrated biorefineries by means of innovative biotechnological treatments.
New approaches towards an integrated biorefinery
BIOREFINERY2021, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), is a „Two-Stage“ project with Phase I (2009-2012) followed by Phase II (2013-2015) and Phase III (2016-2017). Objectives of the cluster are the forced development of innovative and realistic concepts for a biorefinery and their realization in lab and pilot scale. Under the guidance of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) the cluster-partners from academia and industry have identified two main elements for the development of an economically and ecologically beneficial biorefinery concept: Preparation of high-quality raw materials for the chemical industry and the efficient utilization of side product streams. The material use of the valuable substance lignin from lignocelluloses represents a useful opportunity to achieve these targets.