Summer School 2023

The Summer School 2023 took place from 10 to 14 July at the Gustav-Stresemann-Institute in Bad Bevensen. Being the last Summer School exclusively focused on training key competences, the events and workshops addressed finishing up and continuing on after the PhD. The group of participants consisted of PhD students, PostDocs, scientific assistants and guest scientists currently working in the SFB. All of them had the opportunity to get to know each other, and their projects, and discuss their future plans with each other and Alumni of the SFB with careers in academia and industry.

With the focus on key competences the workshops topics reflected the coming final year of the SFB and dealt with finishing up the PhD time and continuing on a career in more leaderships focused positions, either in academy or industry. Taking into account the different experiences of the participants, two workshops were always offered in parallel, giving them the opportunity to choose their main interests from the following topics:

Getting it Done! How to complete your dissertation – methods and motivation
Dr. Daniel Friedrich

Successful Team Leadership
Robert Thompson

Grant Writing for Scientists
Dr. Christina Schütte

Goodbye academia? It has been a pleasure – industry focus
Dr. Philipp Gramlich