C1: Structured emitter for efficient and effective thermophotovoltaics

A strong optical coupling between emitter and photovoltaic cell has the potential of significantly increasing the electrical power generated via thermal radiation in thermophotovoltaic (TPV) systems. Read more...
C2: Ceramic based high temperature stable reflectors for thermal radiation and structural colors

The main topic of this project is the modelling and characterization of the reflection of electromagnetic radiation at multiscale porous structures subjected to high temperatures. Read more...
C3 (ended): Lithographically Guided Assembly and ALD Coatings of 2D and 3D Pore Structures for Thermophotovoltaics and Thermal Barrier Coatings

Periodic ordered nanostructures based on metals and oxides will be developed for potential applications in thermophotovoltaics and as thermal barrier coatings. By means of laser interference lithography large-scale patterned substrates will be generated for the induced assembly of artificial opal structures and the guided electrochemical growth of ordered alumina membranes. Read more...
C4:Deposition, ordering and mechanical stability of coatings with self-assembled narrow particle-distributions

Artificial opals (here denoted as direct opals) and their replicas usually termed "inverse opals" or "3-dimensionally ordered macroporous materials" (3DOM-materials) have very attractive properties potentially interesting for many applications of advanced ceramics. Read more...
C5: High temperature thermal and environmental barrier coatings by tailored porosity

This project aims at analysing high temperature structural changes in photonic crystals and developing concepts of improved thermal stability of porous ceramics. Both aspects are strongly interconnected in order to identify and quantify relevant parameters. Besides TiO2, Al2O3 and YSZ photonic crystals investigated during the first phase, oxides offering advanced thermal stability, i.e. Al- and Y-silicates will be used as matrix of the photonic systems. Read more...
C6: Ceramic microparticles: Building blocks for high temperature photonic materials

In project C6 we prepare ceramic particles, which are required in project area C, and which are commercially not available. Read more...
C7: Deposition and stability of high-temperature-stable thin-film hyperbolic metamaterials

The application of thin-film metamaterials as thermal emitters for thermophotovoltaic transforming heat to electricity is limited due to the use of low-melting metals. The synthesis of selective absorber/emitter metamaterials with high-melting refractory metals, nitrides as well as carbides for highest temperatures (>1000°C) is the scientific challenge. Read more...
C8: Einstellbare radial anisotrope sowie schaltbare Nanostrukturen für pohotonische Anwendungen
In diesem neuen Forschungsprojekt werden sowohl sphärische als auch zylindrische Nanostrukturen durch Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) für photonische Anwendungen hergestellt. Diese radialsymmetrischen Strukturen weisen aufgrund einer definierten Abfolge isotroper Schichten eine effektive radiale Anisotropie des Brechungsindexes auf. Weiter...
C9: Lochemission aus anpassbaren metallischen Metamaterialien
Anhand der im Folgenden vorgestellten Vorarbeiten und Ergebnisse soll im Forschungsprojekt C9(N) gezeigt werden, dass und wie das anpassungsfähige, multiskalige Metamaterial "nanoporöses Gold" als effizientes Emittermaterial für photonisch erzeugte elektronische Defizite (Löcher) wirken kann. Weiter...
C10: Photonische Metamaterialien in anpassbarer und schaltbarer Anisotropie durch Funktionalisierung von porösen Festkörpern mit Flüssigkristallen
In diesem Teilprojekt wird die Selbstorganisation molekularer Systeme mit flüssigkristallinen Phasen mit selbstorganisierter Nanoporosität in monolithischen Festkörpern aus Silizium, Quarzglas und anodisch oxidiertem Aluminium (AAO) kombiniert, die von parallelen zylindrischen Nanoporen durchzogen sind, um optische Materialien mit abstimmbarer und schaltbarer linearer und zirkularer Doppelbrechung zu entwickeln. Weiter...