Summer School 2017

The first summer school in the second funding period of the SFB dedicated to the enhancement of key competences of the Ph.D. candidates and Postdocs. As in previous years, the needs of the participants provided the basis for the program of the one-week event.

Ph.D. candidates in the first year of their Ph.D. studies were recommended to attend workshops on the design and presentation of academic posters as well as scientific writing. Simultaneously, workshops on self-marketing and career planning were addressed to Ph.D. candidates at the end of their Ph.D. studies and postdoctoral researchers.

The summer school took place off-campus in a seminar center in Bad Bevensen to offer ideal conditions for the young researchers of the first and second funding period to network and exchange.

Overview of the workshops that were offered in the summer school from 3 – 7 July 2017:

Concept, Design und Presentation of Academic Posters
Birgit Lukowski, Suedstern. Visuelle Kommunikation
Dr. Silvia Scheinert 

Optimizing Writing Strategies for Publishing Research in English
Prof. Dr. Monique Dorang

Self-Marketing Skills – Indispensible to Boost Your Career
Dr. Monika Clausen
Dr. Monika Clausen & Netzwerkpartner

From Competence Expectations to Career Planning and Market Needs
Dr. Monika Clausen
Dr. Monika Clausen & Netzwerkpartner