Summer School 2019

Theodor-Schwartz-Haus in Brodten, Travemünde was the venue for the summer school from 24 June until 28 June 2019. This year the focus was on the development of key competences, which the participants chose beforehand.

To do justice to the different phases of the participants’ PhDs as well as the presence of some post-docs, two parallel running workshop sessions were offered. This also led to decreased group sizes, resulting in an intimate and highly productive workshop atmosphere. The remote location of the venue and the midweek barbecue provided the participants with plenty of networking opportunities, while the nearby Baltic Sea promised some well-deserved cooling-off from the tropical heat wave.

The following workshops were offered during the week:

Starting a Career in Industry: Matching Market Needs and Self-Presentation
Dr. Monika Clausen

Leadership Skills
Robert Thompson

Career Cornerstones: Active Career Building in Academia and Business
Dr. Monika Clausen

Presenting with Impact
Andrew Weale

group photo of the MGK participants including the invited trainers Dr. Monika Clausen und Andrew Weale (far left) and coodrinator Dr. Nils Gayer (far right)