NTUHH Singapur

NTU-TUHH research exchange collaboration on lightweight additive manufacturing within product family design

For this cooperation the institute PKT and the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) have received funding as part of the Federal Strategy to Support the Internalisation of Science and Research. The overarching goal is the establishment of a long-term cooperation between the research groups of Prof. Moon from Singapur (NTU) and Prof. Krause from Germany (TUHH). The common intrest is represented in the research of variant-rich product families and additive manufacturing. Both topics can be found in current reserach projects, publicated literature and applications. However, the synergy between these topics is relatively unspoken of, despite the potential to supply the rising demand of individualised products. This international cooperations targets to close this gap by initialising two interconnected parallel projects by the teams that finnaly lead to a common case-study.

Additionally, future research projects and industry-cooperations as well as the exchange of students PhD-students between the TUHH and NTU are to be supported. Within the cooperation the international Summer School of Product Architecture Design 2018 at the Aalto University in Finnland was supported by Prof. Moon.