Philipp Prünte, M.Sc.

Room L2015
Telephone 040 42878-2504
Fax 040 42731-4551
E-Mail Philipp Prünte, M.Sc.
Since November 2022 | Research associate at the Institute of Aircraft Production Technology, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) |
2019 - 2022 | Master's degree "Mechatronics" at TUHH |
2019 | Semester abroad at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China |
2015 - 2018 | Bachelor's degree in “Mechanical Engineering” at TUHH |
prepAir - "Mobile Marketplace"
Open topics for a student thesis
You can find all advertised theses and job advertisementshere. Not all ideas always make it onto this page, so unsolicited applications are welcome.
A comparative study of visual identification methods for highly similar engine tubes in aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul
Sensors 23 (15): 6779 (2023-07-28)
Open Access | Publisher DOI -
Industrial segment anything - A case study in aircraft manufacturing, intralogistics, maintenance, repair, and overhaul
arXiv: 2307.12674 (2023)
Open Access | Publisher DOI -
Industry 5.0 in aircraft production and MRO: technologies, challenges, and opportunities
Preprint (2023)
Open Access | Publisher DOI