Arne Wendt, M.Sc.

Room L2053
Telephone 040 42878-2455
Fax 040 42731-4551
Email Arne Wendt, M.Sc.
Since March 2014 | at the Institute of Aircraft Production Technology |
2014 - 2018 | Master's degree "Product development, materials and production (focus: product development)" at the TUHH |
2010 - 2014 | Bachelor's degree in "Mechanical Engineering" at the TUHH |
Research projects:
- Innovative, sustainable process and technology bricks for the production of an airworthy fuel-cell module ( iPREFER )
- Automated data linking from design to production ( ADAPT )
- Industrial Indoor Localization ( IIL )
Modeling of industrial indoor environments with a focus on their geometric relationships, as a database for decision-making and utilization in location-based services.
PBL Applied Automation - Summer semester, Master
Solving an automation technology task in teamwork, using the KUKA YouBot.
Digital twins in aircraft production and MRO : challenges and opportunities
CEAS Aeronautical Journal 15 (4): 1051-1067 (2024)
Open Access | Publisher DOI
Industrial segment anything - A case study in aircraft manufacturing, intralogistics, maintenance, repair, and overhaul
arXiv: 2307.12674 (2023)
Open Access | Publisher DOI
Proxying ROS communications : enabling containerized ROS deployments in distributed multi-host environments
IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2022)
Publisher DOI
Visual AI applications on smart delivery units
IEEE Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things (GCAIoT 2021)
Publisher DOI -
A solution to the generalized ROS hardware IO problem - A generic Modbus/TCP device driver for PLCs, sensors and actuators
26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2021)
Publisher DOI
Daten zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort
Industrial Production 1 (12): 46-47 (2020)
Entwicklung von Intralogistikdiensten auf der Basis einer quelloffenen Referenzarchitektur für Lokalisierungssysteme
29. Hamburger Logistik-Kolloquium (2020)
Semantically enriched spatial modelling of industrial indoor environments enabling location-based services
In T. Schüppstuhl, K. Tracht, & J. Franke (Eds.), Tagungsband des 3. Kongresses Montage Handhabung Industrieroboter (pp. 111–121). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.2018.
Publisher DOI