Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply
Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2021 to 2024
Electrical Engineering II (EN) (GÜ) This course is part of the module: Electrical Engineering II, Electrical Engineering II (EN), Electrical Engineering II (GES)
Supervised Theses
Babendererde, A. (2023). Regelung eines Umrichters zum Anschluss eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerks an die Höchstspannungsebene.
Lim, I. (2022). Modelling and Integration of a Hydrogen Storage Power Plant in the 10-Machine New-England Power System.
Lindner, J. (2022). Primärregelungskonzepte für einen Batteriepufferspeicher eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerkes.
Rieckborn, N. (2022). Modellierung des Umwandlungsprozesses eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerks.