Mirco Fabian Woidelko

M.Sc., M.A.
Research Assistant


Mirco Woidelko, M.Sc., M.A.
E-6 Elektrische Energietechnik
  • Elektrische Energietechnik
Office Hours
nach Vereinbarung
Harburger Schloßstraße 36,
21079 Hamburg
Building HS36, Room C2 1.013
Phone: +49 40 42878 4093

Research Project

Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply


Disruptive functions and technology for angle-based integrated grid operation in converter-dominated power systems with predominantly renewable energy supply

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK); Duration: 2021 to 2024


TUHH Open Research (TORE)


link to course in Stud.IP Studip_icon
Seminare.EIM: From non-classical quantum phenomena to quantum computing (CSBS, IIWBS, TMBS, CSMS, IIWMS)
WiSe 23/24
Course type:
Dr. Anna Katharina Kirf, Prof. Dr. Martin Kliesch
There are many phenomena in quantum physics that cannot be explained with a classical understanding of Nature. These phenomena can be exploited to develop novel, powerful quantum information processing methods, which include the development of quantum computers. They can be used to run quantum algorithms with which one can efficiently solve problems that seem intractable with usual computation. Quantum computation has many potential applications, e.g., in material science, quantum chemistry, and combinatorial optimization. In this course, we aim to develop a deeper understanding of quantum phenomena. In order to do so, we start with some basics from classical probability and information theory. Then, we first see some non-classical phenomena, such as the no-cloning theorem (quantum information cannot be copied) and entanglement, to name just two basic examples. Potential topics for the end of the course are selected quantum algorithms, examples from quantum communication, and quantum error correction. This course has an emphasis on conceptual aspects of the topic, and we try to avoid technical discussions. Nevertheless, a solid mathematical understanding is required. The first part of the seminar requires no prior knowledge of quantum mechanics, which can be obtained in the course `Introduction to Quantum Computing' in parallel.
Area classification:
Studiendekanat Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik
Stud.IP informationen about this course:
Home institute: Studiendekanat Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik (E)
Registered participants in Stud.IP: 7
Documents: 9

Supervised Theses



  • Babendererde, A. (2023). Regelung eines Umrichters zum Anschluss eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerks an die Höchstspannungsebene.


  • Lim, I. (2022). Modelling and Integration of a Hydrogen Storage Power Plant in the 10-Machine New-England Power System.

  • Lindner, J. (2022). Primärregelungskonzepte für einen Batteriepufferspeicher eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerkes.

  • Rieckborn, N. (2022). Modellierung des Umwandlungsprozesses eines Wasserstoffspeicherkraftwerks.